First-time grower with a minor problem


New Member
So this is the first plant I have ever grown, and I'm utilizing a pretty low-tech setup without a lot of the more advanced tools. I seem to be having a small problem though. It is not greatly affecting the growth of buds, but I would like to correctly diagnose what the issue is before I begin my second grow with a higher quality seed. When my plant was still in seedling/ early vegetative stage I accidentally nutrient burned my plant. I researched as well as I could online, but since it was only affecting the tips of the leaves all I did was reduce the amount of nutrients given. However, I am now down to feeding at about 1/4 of the recommended strength but am still seeing some yellowing or browned tips on some of the leaves. Is this still nutrient burn, or am I having some other type of problem? I am growing in Coco coir with 8 CFLs (2700 lumen for flowering), using FoxFarms Nutrient trio(following their hydro feeding schedule at reduced levels), and I have a small oscillating fan for air flow. Temperature stays between 77-80 degrees with humidity at 40%. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated.


KidFrankie :thanks:
Alright guys, here are the pictures. They're kinda shitty quality cause they're from my phone, but it's the best I can do. The first photo is a basic shot of the plant, the second is the top of a bud where the leaves are slightly yellow/brown at the tips, and the 3rd is a leaf towards the bottom of the plant that looks pretty sickly. Hopefully this will help with diagnosing the issue.




Lol the order of the pictures is all messed up from what I said, but you can figure it out. The problem is affecting new growth, but since I defoliate regularly most leaves don't have time to really get old. I'm almost 4 weeks into 12/12 light now.

i would have to agree that your plants leaf tips are still showing signs of nute burn!!
put your plant pot in an empty bath and then flush your plant with just water at a rasio of three times the size of or pot, so for example if your pot size is a 5 gallon pot then flush it with 15 gallons of plain water and leave it for a couple of days before feeding again with nutes then alternate between feeding with just plain water and then the next feed with nutes and so on and so on!!

i myself am not seeing a calcium or magnesium deficency coz if you did have either of the two your leaves would not be look the way that yours do!!

however i would agree that you should cut down on the rate that you are defoliating as i cant see any large fan leaves which in turn helps with your plants and bud development!!

as for the picture that shows a necrotic yellowing of the leaves at the bottom of your plant could well be wind burn from your fan which i have had once or twice, if a fan is to close and blowing to hard on your plants then it can corse wind burn so check and see if that part of the plant is directly facing the fan and if so then that could be the corse!!
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