Flowering plant looking wrong - Please help out


New Member
Hey guys, what's up. It's been weeks since the last time i've posted since everything's been fine. Plants went into flowering, tomorrow is the beginning if the 6th week, everything smells and looks amazing. Except for one plant. In the images you can see the other plants in the background with their big phat colas, but this one is just skinny and looks like it went into flower 2 weeks ago. Harvest is coming up in a few weeks and this problem became visible in the past week or so. Here's some pics:


It had the same feeding/watering schedule as the other girls, same environment, but this one is looking weird. It also grew in height compared to the other plants, which is also kinda unusual for mid-flowering.
Any help, resolutions or tips are very welcome!
Thanks guys!
What does that mean? What shoud I do with the plant from this point on? When should I harvest it? Thanks.

Just keep loving her and she will show you the same love back :thumb: In her own time and particular way

Maybe cut back on the N and pinch/bend any top stems that are growing too tall.
Just keep loving her and she will show you the same love back :thumb: In her own time and particular way.

That's exactly what i'm gonna do :)
Well, all the N she's getting is from Hesi Coco for flowering whose NPK is 3-4-5, and i'm already giving her 75% of the recommended (full) dose..
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