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I REALLY don't enjoy a chopper flying over the house at tree top level. I didn't have my glasses so it took me a minute to figure out who it was. But my god! It took everything I had not to jump out of my skin when I saw it.
I'd be spooked of a helicopter getting that close.
With the stress of combat and shit though, I can only imagine man..
I pulled em'. They were flying in the area at least once a day. The ladies were starting to really come into their own, but I'm not going be harassed by my own govt for something so simple.
If ur in a med state and in limits ur okay. If not, are you growing indoor or outdoor? If its a small indoor op, don't worry.
I usually plant them in with my corn, an giant sunflowers, The sunflowers help in the fall for frost, I usually get really paronid in Sept. worst is I live right in a high air traffic area for commercial flights
Hi storm lady i live in the corn belt and you are usually safe if you keep the lady's spread out.Just don't buchum up you should be just fine.I mark locations with a gps.Just an idea.
Thanks for the idea. This yr it is really dry this way so things arnt growing as good as they usually do so I am just crossing my fingers
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