Forgot to top up my Wilma for a few days


Well-Known Member
So as the title suggests I’m an idiot and forgot to put water in my Wilma, I’ve had a busy very stressful few weeks, when I checked it out it was bone dry. I’m about 4 weeks into flower now and this is what I got. The leaves have turned completely black. Plant looks strong and healthy otherwise. Are black leaves a bad thing? I’m guessing the end result after harvest with these leaves it’s going to look crazy!
Not entirely sure what has caused it. The plant isn’t too close to the light, I’ve had others much closer and have never had issues with it. I’m guessing it was the few days with no feed.

If you've been adhering to the feeding schedule you may have some toxicity from the soil drying out and concentrating the nutes (or Lockout). Conversely, it may be a lack of nutes from no water (but I'm kinda doubting that). First get it wet again and see what happens, unfortunately the damaged leaves are not going to recover. If it were me, after re-wetting, I'd flush the plant and start the nutes over. A little Cal-Mag probably wouldn't hurt anything in any case.
Perfectly normal - stay the course water extra from here on out.

Colored leaves doesn't have anything to do with your watering.

Its what plants do - its called Senescence - leaves turn colors and fall off. It happens to cannabis too.

Black is the new purple. Plants look good from here.
Perfectly normal - stay the course water extra from here on out.

Colored leaves doesn't have anything to do with your watering.

Its what plants do - its called Senescence - leaves turn colors and fall off. It happens to cannabis too.

Black is the new purple. Plants look good from here.
A lot of leaves are crisping up here. Might put a little bit more mag in, haven’t had a plant 4-5 weeks off harvest have this many leaves crisp up and drop off before so it’s kind of worrying me as to what the end result is going to be.

It would help if you could get a picture under natural light, that said, are the damaged leaves starting at the bottom of the plant and moving up?, That would be senescence. I see a little canoeing of some of the leaves, how far are the lights from the plant, and what kind of lights are you running? This is difficult to diagnose because it seems to have been precipitated by the lack of watering.
Why wood you think its Mg? Are you in soil??

Just remember those fan leaves are going into the compost bin. In flower I dont care too much about them other than looking for pests.

I start getting senescence starting at 30 days and it progresses.

Some strains do it more than others. I've go plants that go yellow/gold at 20 days and its normal.

The crispy colors means the plants are using up the stored nutrients in the leaves which is a good thing. You flowers will be smooth and tasty.
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