from 800 watts to 600?


New Member
:hmmmm: im just wondering if things will go to shit...
i have to move n had 3 ladies(2big bud 1 mothership)in their 3rd week of bloom under a 400HPS that is sharing the same hood as a 400MH.....
the babysitter has a brand new room but it's equipped with only 600watts of HPS.... is this gonna pose a problem with them trying to herm or starve and grow airy bud???:smokin:
Re: from 800 watts to 600...?...

this might be the kicker ....
they were in only 2ft X 4ft closet i sectioned off to have 100 watts per sq ft and i had a 1/2 inch thick piece of tempered glass stopping the heat so they were only 6 inches from the light at 76 degrees....
i havent got the chance to go look at how theyre sittin in there now but think there is tooo much area there it's like a 6 x 6 room w/mylar and 1 6oo...
ive offered to put my 400's in but he insists there will be too much fluxuation in energy..... hell i offered him 2 1000 watt halides n he declined......
if the math isnt there i think ther'll be problems ..huh?
Re: from 800 watts to 600...?...

if i can move them into the new place sooner and get em under the 800mh/hps or a 1000 mh ..... this will more than likely stress them into hermies??
some other hobbiests have warned me to let them finish there n not move em' again for this thoery.......
Re: from 800 watts to 600...?...

Intensity of the lights won't cause hermies bro, its the light cycle that should not be altered.
Re: from 800 watts to 600...?...

i know that the light CYCLE is key ....the last time i moved i took some from under a 400 mh and and put them in a room with 550 HPS and within daze they started producing pollin sacs.... they were into their last weeks of life though...also it's the phsyical act of puttin them in the camper n driving with 40 miles of movement their not used to that will stress them to herm... anyone?
Re: from 800 watts to 600...?...

well 1.5 weeks n one of them went herm on me ....
i cant be certian as to why either....

a few of the flowers were open too ...the ones deep in the undergrowth... i lst so are the chances of it not pollinating too bad fair???

i chopped her down in another room and never entered until i changed clothes, turned off all fans when i discovered the flowers too ...
any advice as to what went wrong???
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