Gary Johnson for President in 2012

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Canadian libertarian publisher Marc Emery doesn’t trust President-elect Obama on drug policy reform, and wants to see former two-term New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Johnson is a tax fighter, a Ron Paul supporter, an opponent of war in Iraq and the highest ranking elected official in America to have opposed the war on drugs. Can Johnson finish the job Ron Paul started and successfully win the Republican nomination for libertarian-conservatives?

Marc Emery - November 16, 2008:
Consider researching the outstanding two-term Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, for Republican nominee in 2012. I have met Governor Gary Johnson and he would get the full support of millions of Americans in the drug-law reform movement. Mr. Johnson has unassailable integrity, huge intelligence, a great mind, a thorough understanding of the US Constitution, great principles of limited government. He is articulate, sincere and accessible. Indeed, I welcome the news of Mr. Johnson's candidacy. He is just the revitalization the Republican leadership requires.

Johnson will need to start the dinner & speaking circuit now to develop a leadership role by the next mid-term (2010) election. Our support now may be influential. Calling all Ron Paul Republicans, libertarians, conservatives: let Gary Johnson know you would support his bid to test the waters for a 2012 bid.

I say we pressure President Obama and the Democratic Congress with all energy and haste and then have someone ready who can take our trust to get drug-law reform done if Obama fails!

Obama supporters are getting weird; they all say "Obama's got many, many more important things to do than legalize pot" and it sounds like we're getting set-up to hear that kind of bullshit rationalization for getting nothing done on our issue for four years. If Obama wants to keep arresting African-Americans all day long for pot and drugs, that is unacceptable. If he wants to maintain the status quo and leave us with hollow words like "hope" and "change", then the honeymoon will be over fast. These are desperate, rough times ahead and a soothsayer in the White House, no matter how handsome and acceptably black, is not going to be able to suppress the legitimate aspirations of millions of people in jail or with family in jail because of the drug war. If drug law reform is way down on the list of the Democratic Congress and Obama’s agenda then its not a moment too soon to start considering a mainstream candidate where drug-law reform is much higher on the list. That's Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson smoked pot, enjoyed it, became Governor, served two terms, doesn't smoke pot now or recently, and wants to legalize it. Obama called his pot use a youthful mistake and has recanted during the 2008 campaign his 2004 promise to legalize pot.

Nonetheless, I am confident President Obama would probably sign any bill brought before him from Congress that does legalize pot, that's why the new Congress must be lobbied to get on board with the Barney Frank- Ron Paul Marijuana Decriminalization Act. I am more optimistic than ever before about getting drug law reform done with the Democrats and Ron Paul Republicans (Broun, McClintock, Paul, Bartlett, Flake, Rohrabacher) in this next session. Give money to Marijuana Policy Project, they will need to do superhuman lobbying this upcoming 2009 session!

I'm still going to be developing support for Gary Johnson and urge all other freedom lovers to do so also, even while we lobby this upcoming Congress and President to repeal the more egregious aspects of the drug war.

It’s important that a fiscally conservative, principled Republican who genuinely favors individual freedom be the 2012 Republican nominee to offer an alternative to the drug-reform seeking voter. Governor Gary Johnson would be as good as it could get.

Getting the proper, educated Republican candidate in 2012 is so vital. It has to be a limited government constitutionalist who believes in sound money, freedom, the repeal of Prohibition, an end to empire, and an end to the security-surveillance state. Gary Johnson represents that kind of Republican.

Ron Paul will be 76 in 2012. He'd be an excellent adviser to Johnson, and I love Ron Paul. I think Ron would support Gary Johnson for the leadership of the Republican Party. Someone will have to ask Congressman Paul for his opinion on Gary Johnson but I'll tell you now, I know Dr. Paul is an admirer of Johnson's record as Governor of New Mexico.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Western Standard
Author: Marc Emery
Copyright: 2008 Western Standard
Contact: Contact the Western Standard
Website: Western Standard -- Gary Johnson for President in 2012
Its never too early for freedom!

I know and i wasn't trying to bring a negative vibe; sorry if it came off like that:peace:

I'm just weary from the 24/7 news cycle about Obama/McCain and all the bickering

Would just prefer a little breather before the whole thing starts up again:peace:
Other than being the first non-full-bllooded caucasian in the Oval Office, don't expect too much from Barry "O'Bama" Obama. He's well vetted by both the mega-corrupt Chicago political scene where he made his debut as well as mega-vetted by the DNC, which doesn't allow radicals to even get close to the nomination (e.g. Dennis Kucinich). Typically, the paradigm against us will soften as it usually does during Dem admins, but legislatively, absolutely nothing will be done on our issue for yet another four years. Bet on it. You won't lose.
I'm already re/registering Republican and stumping for Johnson. in '12. He's the only mainstream pol on our side 100%.
Best of luck to all.
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