Gary Johnson to Speak at NORML Conference



Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 12:straightface:41 -0800
From: (by way of "D. Paul Stanford" <>)
Subject: Gov. Gary Johnson at the NORML conference
Message-ID: <>


I wanted to share some good news with you. New Mexico Republican Governor
Gary Johnson has accepted our invitation to speak at the NORML 2001
Conference next April 19-21. We will be planning a luncheon around his
appearance on Thursday, April 19.

The governor's appearance should assure some good media coverage,
hopefully to include live c-span coverage.

Make your plans now to join us for what should be an exciting annual
conference. I'm including a notice about the meeting that was earlier
for your general information.


Keith Stroup


To avoid conflicts with other drug law reform conferences and events, we
would like to publicize early the dates of the next NORML Conference. The
2001 NORML Conference will be held in Washington, DC at the Renaissance
Washington, DC Hotel on April 19-21, 2001. Please mark your calendar now,
so you can join us for our annual celebration of freedom. Information
about the conference, and an opportunity to register online will shortly
be available on the NORML homepage (

For those who may be less familiar with NORML, this is our once a
year political conference. We welcome all who are interested in marijuana
policy and urge those of you who are active in the public policy arena
to make a special effort to attend. The theme of the conference will be
"4/20: A Celebration of Freedom"

We have scheduled the conference to coincide with"4/20," the date that
has become associated in the popular culture as a special day for
marijuana smokers -- sort of what "Miller time" has become to beer
drinkers. We hope to build on that tradition and encourage reform
to join us in Washington, DC as a way to celebrate 4/20.

The hotel has agreed to offer out attendees an extremely favorable room
rate of $129 per night, single or double. For those who wish to make
early reservations, you can use their toll-free number (800-Hotels-1) or
call directly (202-898-9000). Let reservations know that you are calling
for the NORML conference (you may have to provide the organization's full
name), to qualify for the greatly reduced rates.


Keith Stroup
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