Getting a Vaporizer?


New Member
So I have finally broke down and am willing to spend the money to get a decent vaporizer. I think I decided to get one because I just quit smoking cigs, a little longer then a month and I havent noticed a big enough deifference in my lungs and I think it has to do with the way I get high, glass pipe, bubbler, joints you know the usual I quit smoking blunts because of the tabacco plus I was never a big fan. But anyways I was looking at a couple different ones, World's Greatest Vaporizer - Da Buddha or
VaporCannon Hands Free - 4G VaporCannon Hands Free Vaporizer - $169.00
There both about the same price and they both look like there gonna work good but I just like to get a little input first because the last vaporizer I had The Vodoo turned out to be a piece of sh!#.
my vape helped my lungs... i noticed a difference in breathing in just the first few i almost only vape...u might check out the product reviews forum, there are some good reviews there,both for the good and bad points of peoples various vapes...:peace:
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