GoGreener - CGreen Bag Seed - Outdoor Grow Journal - 2014

Update Pics 90 Days

1 Plant, half in flower and half in veg... I seem to have a nack for growing odd balls


Heavily Topped by a horse in its early days

Flowering nicely

Early flowerer that was sharing a bucket with the hermi...

Still in Veg?.?
topped by a horse?

hopefully u will get all the growing balls out of your system this go around ..
Harvested the 2 plants in the last post, the bigger one was full of bud rot (it is freaking hot and humid here at the moment) and the 2nd has very loose and airy heads... Growing weed is hard.

My other 3 plants are pushing roots out the bottom of their 5gal buckets and really not looking happy any more. I think im gonna have to dig a hole in the garden and plant them out, or just scrap the lot and start over with some decent seeds.

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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