Good 'Ole Johny Ganja Seed

King Bongmaster

New Member
Its good 'ole Johny Ganja Seed
the Ganja seed plantin man
always plantin'Ganja weed
for his ganja seed plantin plan
mile after mile hes plantin' all the lands
plantin' seeds in dirt and clay
and mud and swamp and sand
he's plantin' healthy Ganja seeds
everywhere he goes
everywhere he plants a seed
Ganja weed it grows
he spreads em by the handfull
he throws 'em in the air
always tossin' Ganja seeds
every here and there
good 'ole Johny Ganja Seed
he always does his part
but he needs your help
and its not to late to start
so when your breakin down your weed
if you find a seed don't throw it out
just pull a Johny Ganja Seed
and hope the seed will sprout
Awesome man...
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