Grand Rapids Requires Medical Marijuana Caregivers to Register With City

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
MI: City commissioners adopted an ordinance Tuesday requiring medical marijuana caregivers to register as a home occupation.

Before the vote, the commission amended the plan to remove a provision that would have required the caregiver's premises to be open for inspection upon request without a warrant, saying warrants would always be issued for any searches.

Some have objected to the ordinance, raising concerns they could be targeted by criminals if their registration information was made public. City officials said all information would be confidential.

The ordinance requires:

. All home occupations to obtain a business license for a fee

. A registered primary caregiver be located outside a 1,000-foot radius from any school

. All marijuana to be contained within the main building in an enclosed, locked facility with security devices

. Only one primary caregiver permitted to service patients

. Not more than five qualifying patients can receive marijuana within a week.

The ordinance also requires not more than two customers, clients, students or patients shall be located on premises at any one time. Visits are restricted between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.

NewsHawk: User: 420 Magazine - Cannabis Culture News & Reviews
Source: Grand Rapids Press (MI)
Copyright: 2010 Grand Rapids Press
Website: Grand Rapids, MI Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather -
Author: Kyla King
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