Group Wants To Help Medical Marijuana Industry Avoid Legal Woes

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If you want to open a medical marijuana dispensary, there are about 60 forms you'll need to fill out before you even open up shop.

Once that happens, meticulous bookkeeping and hands-on business management will be the key to keeping the Internal Revenue Service at bay and making you federally compliant, said Newton-based attorney Robert Carp.

The process and operation of a medical marijuana dispensary is one riddled with potential mines and traps, said Carp. He's hoping that enough people will see the nuanced and sometimes confusing state marijuana law and come looking for help, hopefully in his direction.

During a two-hour presentation at the Brookline Public Library on Washington Street on Friday, Jan. 18, Carp went through a litany of tips and potential problems for prospective new dispensary owners, caregivers and patients. Although the meeting was meant as an informational session, Carp also used it as a promotional tool to build up his burgeoning Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Dispensers' Association, Inc., which he runs with his business partner Stephen Cottens, another attorney.

The idea of the association is to provide information to dispensary owners, caretakers and patients about the medical marijuana industry. Paying members would have access to legal experts, as well as vendors. The Brookline meeting was the first one for the association, which plans monthly meetings.

Judging from the crowd in attendance, the demand for such informational sessions seemed to be high, as participants came from all over New England to listen and take notes about what will be required to participate in, and profit from, the medical marijuana industry.

"A lot of people are stumped because [they] envision it as simply growing marijuana, harvesting it and selling it," said Carp, an enrolled agent with the IRS. "The truth of the matter is it goes far beyond that. You need to have very specific compliance in place."

Much of the marijuana regulations are still unknown, as the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has until May 1 to issue them. However, the state will consider dispensary applicants starting on April 1. The application fee is $250, and there are only 35 licenses available for the entire state, with a limit of five per county. Initially, the state will only make 19 of those available.

Part of Carp's plan includes creating a co-op down the road, and providing a place to house a number of marijuana plants for use by dispensaries. The idea is to provide a sense of security to dispensaries that their product will be in good hands even when they can't be in direct supervision of it.

"The MMDA is trying to put together solutions for every specific event you will encounter," said Carp.

One major hurdle will be that the marijuana business will be strictly a cash business, since dispensaries will not be allowed to accept credit cards, leaving the door open for possible infractions. One example of such an infraction, said Carp, is if a dispensary owner also owns a convenience store and places the cash from the dispensary into the store.

"There's a legal term for that," said Carp. "It's called money laundering."

Dealing in cash will leave dispensaries open to possible violations if the books are not kept in order, said Carp, and the IRS will likely keep a close eye on medical marijuana shops.

"The back door is the worry," said Carp. "Things going out that shouldn't go out. That is what will damage this industry. That is what the state is worried about."

Also, the nature of the business will scare off most banks from doing business with dispensaries.

"Don't go to Bank of America," said Carp, instead recommending that prospective dispensary owners look for small credit unions to work with.

Yet another hurdle will be convincing certain towns and cities to allow medical marijuana dispensaries in their backyards.

"You're going to have to do some lobbying," said Carp. "Make these people realize that you're one of the people in white hats. You're not looking to run a drug factory, you're here to help patients."

The law for dispensaries currently allows for either six marijuana plants and 32 ounces of usable pot at any time, or 24 plants and four ounces of usable marijuana for each registered, qualified patient. Each patient, under the same law, is only allowed a maximum of eight ounces a month.

"For most people, the second option is the way to go," said Carp.

Under that option, a dispensary can carry much more product. For instance, 100 patients would equal 2,400 plants. Also under that option, Carp's idea of a co-op could have more value to those looking for storage or supply needs.

"We need to create a co-op so that if your inventory is depleted, you have a place to go," he said. "We can work together as a group to make sure everyone has a steady supply for patients."

The association and co-op would bring down costs said Carp, as well as reduce risks for owners and ensure quality of the product to patients.

When asked for a statement about the dispensers association, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health sent an e-mailed statement saying it is in the process of developing regulations for the industry.

A section of the statement read: "The Department is partnering with a wide range of stakeholders in public safety, the medical community and municipal governments to develop the regulations and will learn from other states' experiences to put a system in place that is right for Massachusetts."

Dennis residents Jed Delano and Mati Brown were at the Brookline meeting, and are looking to jump into the new medical marijuana industry.

"The best business to get into is the ground floor," said Delano. "It's either emerging technology or medical marijuana."

They're interested in opening a dispensary somewhere on the Cape and running it with family members.

"I feel like a lot of people are open-minded about it," said Delano. "With enough looking around and digging, we'll find a town that will be willing to accept our business."

They both said the meeting was informative, and they mentioned an interest in joining Carp's association.

"I'm not sure what exactly everything entails still," said Brown. "This is still very new."

Ron Smalley, Jr., a consultant with Vista Green Consulting Group in Maine, drove down to Brookline for the meeting in order to get more information of what will be required of dispensary owners and caregivers.

"This is an extremely regulated industry that not a lot of people have experience with," he said. "When you get to dispensary level, it's overwhelming."

Another audience member, who only wished to identify himself as Steve from the North Shore, said he'd be interested in maybe starting off as a caregiver at first.

"I think it's an interesting industry," he said. "I think it's a unique opportunity."

He likened the legalization of medical marijuana to the end of Prohibition.

"Its such a strange thing right now," he said. "Here's something that's been illegal forever."

Carp said his association has identified a nearby location to store marijuana if the idea of a co-op comes to fruition, but he did not disclose where it is. However, he did clarify that it is not located in Newton.


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Author: Ignacio Laguarda
Contact: Wicked Local Waltham Contact Us
Website: Group wants to help medical marijuana industry avoid legal woes - Waltham, Massachusetts - Wicked Local Waltham
The bandwagon is rolling! More an more shops opening up, I hope they all do it the proper way so they don't get shut down!
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