

New Member
okk one time when i first started to smoke, me and my 4 of my friends picked up a dimme bag and went back to my house, my mom was asleep and we were dumb so we hotboxed my closet and the hole house reeked, lol soo she comes ands like wuts that smell i told her it was incents and shes ike okk and went back to bed, after that whenever i wanted to blaze inside i just lit and incent and she was none the wiser.... it was a close call tho i was shittin myself! lmaoo :Rasta:
When my brother started blazing back in the day, my dad didnt give a shit. My mom was always like, whats that smell?? My dad would tell her, wat smell? I just smell skunk. She never caught on...:grinjoint: :cheesygrinsmiley:
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