Hello Everyone


New Member
I've just discovered this site and I have been reading the news forums on here for the past few days and I really like them so I finally decided to register tonight. I can't grow where I live because I live in a state where it's still illegal for any type of use. I would like to help change that though, I just don't know how to because it doesn't seem like the people where I live are doing much politically that involves marijuana legalization in any form. I do have a question for you guys that at least are able to use it legally for medical purposes, you see I have very sever depression and sever back pain and from all of the research I've done I think marijuana would help me. So my question is, to get medical marijuana do you have to have been on something like lets say anti-depressants or pain killers first or does that vary from state to state? I know you have to get a doctors recommendation but, I was wanting to know this in case we ever get medical in my state because while I know that I have very sever depression because of the thoughts I have a lot of times and I can obviously feel my back pain, I haven't actually had either one checked out by a doctor yet. The reasons for this is because I know one of the side effects of a lot of anti-depressants is that they actually cause suicidal thoughts and trust me that's the last thing I need to happen with the mindset that I'm already in and the reason why I haven't gotten my back checked out is because I know prescription pain killers can be addictive and I really don't want to risk getting addicted to them so I just deal with the pain. So yeah I really would rather just have all natural help with my problems from the start if that's possible.
Medical Cannabis (marijuana) will help you. I have depression/anxiety/fibromyalgia/herniated discs in neck problems too and it actually helps me better than anything else I have tried. Also it is non-addictive, safer than aspirin and has no calories. Only use a vaporizer! Good luck.
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