Help: Dropping Leaves

What can I do to revive these babies....think my ppm/nutrients were a bit high last week. I noticed them starting to drop this week. I did a water change and used half nutrients. I think the big ones have root rot not sure. Cbd plant 1 was ph 5.63 ppm 362.... not slimy or mushy and I can feel firm roots. Second cbd plant ph 5.73 ppm 788. Can I save these? The lil ones were just put in this week. Thinking they are just adjusting???


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Oh, man, my condolences. Both of those pictures show some pretty "gonner" root systems. I'd chop them up for clones, toss the remainder of the plants, and sterilize the systems. Seems kind of unlikely that a nutrient mixture that was a little strong would *devastate* root systems like that - so my suspicion is that you've got (bad) microbial life of one sort or another wreaking havoc in there.

Your seedlings might be okay, probably. Are you hand-watering/feeding until they get healthy roots down into the nutrient solution, keeping the level of solution up far enough for them to be sitting in it, or...?
Yes I’m keeping the level up high for them fingers crossed...what about lighting wonder if I’m giving to much? Using 2 mars hydro tsl 2000 and 4 philzon2000. I think my problem is water temp...bout 80F.


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I think my problem is water temp...bout 80F.

Get the level of aeration up as high as you can, and make sure there's plenty of air moving across / through the plants, and that will help a lot with things like that. Plants "self-cool" through the process of transpiration - and a proper DWC setup is perfect for that. Far better than soil, IMHO.
Plants "self-cool" through the process of transpiration - and a proper DWC setup is perfect for that. Far better than soil, IMHO.

Was with ya till the last "soil" part lol.

Do the roots smell funky?? That looks bad to me but I grow in soil.
Was with ya till the last "soil" part lol.

Take it in context. I once had a grow in conditions that... caused cannabis plants to transpire approximately 13 gallons of water per day - each. <SCRATCHES HEAD> I'm not sure what size soil setup you'd need in order to maintain the same level of plant health under the same conditions, but I'm guessing it wouldn't fit into a 23-gallon plastic tote.

Or maybe it would, IDK.
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