Help! I cant tell if this is pest or nutrient deficiency


Active Member
I'm growing autos, I dont know what strain because they were given to me. I'm going into week 7 and since Saturday I've noticed a huge change in the leaves.
I started out with germinating then putting them into solo cups at beginning veg. I used the miracle grow potting mix with moisture control. We started in a grow room with a HPS light, they were doing great until we transferred them mixing the soil of pro mix and ff ocean forrest. We thought the plants got too hot but turned out to be nute burn and I flushed them. They were doing great until recently. I've seen white spots on the leaves that slowly started then as of saturday there are a lot of tiny holes, (white and yellow)spots, and what looks like dry water spots.
I did have a humidity issue due to indoor environment. I've kept fans oscillating on them and just recently turned on an ac unit. The ph is at 6.8. They're watered when dry at 1.5-2l. I have been watering at night as that's when I have more time.
They get fish fertilizer 5*1*1 2xs a week.
Some of them are in preflowering stage and others in late veg stage
I've looked and looked but cant seem to find a picture or article that explains this.
Can anyone help shine some light on this?


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Some of the white spots and web could mean spider mites. I think you may have more than one culprit.

Do you by chance have any neem oil you can give your plants a good spraying of? I would start looking at the top and underside of your leaves using a magnifying glass, lupe, or even your phone to start looking for critters.
I have been looking religiously under the leaves using my phone but I havent seen anything. No tiny spots, no black, just holes from what looks like a pin hole. I was just reading on leaf septoria and think it could be that. I've already discarded infected leaves and threw right away in case of septoria. And in the morning wiping everything down.
I dont have neem oil but I'm purchasing some in the morning along with a fungicide that helps with rust as well. Hopefully, between the 2 it will help.
Thank you for you help
I've been doing ph strips with the water before I water them......this is all Greek to me. The guy at the hydro store that it would be fine. ?? Is that ok??
Not how you are measuring the pH. What I was curious about is what you are measuring. Are you measuring the water before you mix in any nutrients? Are you measuring the water after you mix in the nutrients? Are you measuring the pH of the soil? Or, are you measuring the pH of the water that comes out of the bottom of the pot or container?

Have a great day.
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