Help - light leaks?

I ended up using a baffle, a simple solution I found on you tube for the exhaust fan. Its just a cardboard box inside another cardboard box shifted a few inches so the air is forced up and then down 180 degrees. The box absorbs the light and has a hard time reflecting through all of it. Then later I sealed the veg room and the basement window using panda film as well, now I can't see inside the basement just to get to the bloom room. The inside fan comes on constant during day, about 6 times at night and the exhaust is on 24 hours.

I hope the second harvest will be fine...about 4 weeks in and no issues yet.

Well....what was the outcome?

I had a bit of a fright earlier today when I discovered that the UV-B supplemental lighting had come on in the budding room during the middle of the "night". Apparently while decreasing the ON time yesterday, my big damned monkey knuckle had bumped the timer settings so that the UV lights were set to come on for 2 1/2 hours and they had already been on for 2 hours when I discovered it! Well, they are on day 51 and I will be looking for hermies for the next few weeks. Shit.

I don't imagine pinhole light being much of a problem, or any light source less bright than a full Moon, but it might have some effect on yield. Weed grown outdoors "sees" the Moon and stars and even on a cloudy night there is some light. The only place that can get completely and totally dark is inside a sealed room. Nature always has some small amount of light.
As I read later the outdoors have many spectrum of light but they are at constant motion as the earth turns thus dim moving light will not have much effect. In a grow room you can combat pinhole leaks with foil tape and you can rotate your plants around once a day so they are in a different position every night just in case you missed one. The angle of the light will not see the same point on the plant. Also I covered all lighted LED ON indicators and moved all controls to outside the room. Panda film works well because it acts as a filter to both extremes of the light spectrum, light cannot pass through a black and a white filter. Its kind of heavy science but the two are orthogonal to each other causing a 180 degree filter. Optics and light spectrum in a general physics book should explain the details.

My grow was cursed with genetics that hermie regardless of method used and I have taken every precaution for every variable I can list. Light leak, soil pH, Under nute, over nute, soil type, water pH, lights used for veg, lights used for bloom, pests, air flow, heat stress, cold stress, time in veg, time in bloom, transitions from 24 to 12/12, transitions from veg lights to bloom lights, light spectrum during veg, light spectrum during bloom...its the genetics of the plant in my case, I proved it by isolating each variable one by one per grow, and finally changing more hermies. I have experience now.
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