Help me control my mothers


New Member
So i am looking into very quickly having like 5 mothers of various strains.

Just looking for a few tips on keeping them alive with as little effort for me and them as possible.

I will be using combination's of both cool and warm style 40 watt fluros and can easily maintain temp somewhere between 70-75.

1 problem i do think should be pointed out is that my area is very very dry, humidity at, around or below 20% and im running a humidifier so idk.

Look forward to the info :)
I"ve got a couple mom's i keep in smaller sized pots in soil under CFL'sm they stay stout and grow at a managable rate. I''ve accecpted that if they do get to big, i can just take cuttings from them and scrap the plant and start over on the mom..
I"ve got a couple mom's i keep in smaller sized pots in soil under CFL'sm they stay stout and grow at a managable rate. I''ve accecpted that if they do get to big, i can just take cuttings from them and scrap the plant and start over on the mom..

right well i know to keep them short and stout i will want to spread the roots out in shorter and wider pots like the short rubbermaids maybe. I dont think id just keep them in small pots generally tho due to fear of becoming root bound.

I have heard things about only scraping the mom and taking clones like 7 times or something and you lose potency??? anyone hear anything like this?
You don't need the 'warm' bulbs. I keep my moms under the 'cool' bulbs, ~6500k.

Root pruning works wonders for when they get rootbound. I do it with many plants, not just mj.

You don't need the 'warm' bulbs. I keep my moms under the 'cool' bulbs, ~6500k.

Root pruning works wonders for when they get rootbound. I do it with many plants, not just mj.


that makes sense ill look up some information on root pruning, ive been lookin up smart and air pots and i definitely like the air pots and think i even would like to make my own somehow. This would also make the pruning easier too i assume considering the mass amounts of holes for them to protrude.

Think im going to make an air pot info thread.
The key to height control seems to be achieved 3-4 weeks into seedling/veg stage. Dedicate one or two of the best kids, as determined by size, root development, and nodule spacing, then cut the main stem down to the first or second node, leaving a short, spread out plant. Now, it's important to only cut/shape/prune about once a week at most, giving her time to recover. This takes time but the reward is worth it. For a more detailed how-to try Googling marijuana bonsai mum, which should lead to an article from 2000, with pictures and all. This site frowns on links to other similar sites so you'll need to do this. Also, you might like to look at a finished mom, here MILF Pics or click the link in the signature. Good luck and let us know how things work out.
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