Help needed

Rufus Mcduck

420 Member
Plants planted on 21.01.18 (Ananas funk), and topped on 08.02.18. Grown in a 1.2*1.2m growing tent with Vipar spectra 600w LED hanging about 1meter above the top of the plants.
I use Plagron grow and purezym as nutrients
Plants will be reported to a 11L pots in 1 week (out of the country).
In the past few days I noticed that 213 plants out of the 5 have a 1-3 leaves with a yellow discoloration at the tips.
Can anyone help and tell me what causes the discoloration on the leaves?

Any advice on my question or any advice/comment on my set up will be greatly appreciated!
What he said...some pics would be helpful. Are you feeding them Nutes yet? If so what and how much? I am going to go out on a limb here, as I have a ViparSpectra 700 and say you are burning your plants with light. Get them back away from the light still. Those are good lights but for young plants, they might be way too much. I ended up getting a T5 to start them off and slowly introduced them to the LED. Worked like a charm. I took the T5 out and they didn't like it so I put it back in there. Now they are happy again. The wallet is pissed but it has been this whole time so...
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