Help! Northern Lights x Big Bud Outdoor


New Member
Hey everyone! I got this plant already started indoor. got too big for guys tent and was burning on lights. So I took it outside. Now I've had it for about 2+ Months and has started budding, but very small. Now noticing that it is dying in the middle of the plant. From the outside, everything looks great, but if i move the outside limbs aside, i can see yellow / brown completely dead leaves shriveling up in the middle . (Photos to follow when i get home from work)

Currently in Perlite only (was given to me this way) so I am giving it 2tsp / gallon of water with General Hydroponics Bloom Nutrients. It's in a 4 / 5 gallon dutch bucket so I cant really over water it.(hole in side to drain excess)

I'll be home between 7-8 tonight to post pics. any immediate advice is much appreciated.
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