Help please, I need your Advice, spots on the leaves


New Member
hello guys.after hours of research and studying , i've decided to grow my own ladies.The system is DWC ,i have 2 lamps HPS 400W and MH 400W and under them one northernlight and one northern light haze#5.I'm on the 4 week , i use GHE flora series and the water is RO.I don't use call mag because the guy from the store i bought the fertilizers told me that for RO water i had to use "grow micro for soft water".PH is 5.8 to 6.2 , temperature 27C by day and 23C at night humidity at 60% and ppm 450.I 'm kind of confused with these spots that appeared on my leaves.Does anybody have any idea what that might be?

Thanks in advance









Re: HELP please , I need your Advice, spots on the leaves

I hate to tell you this, but the guy at the store may have lead you in the wrong direction.. some strains are what we call Cal/Mag hogs. I've not grown either one of these but from what I'm seeing here and the charts I have with photos of deficiencies shows yours possibly having one of the following issues.. Cal/Mag def, Potassium or heat radiant meaning your lights are to close.. some strains are also very hard to dial in the PH and PPM they need to thrive..
Questions to ask: How far away are your lights and are you running both right now?
Have you tried flushing them and backing off your nutrients a bit or adjusting your ph to 5.5 to 5.8.
If you get this under control now your damage will be minimum.. and don't freak out to much, most of us have issues with our 1st grow. Sometimes taking 2-3 grows to learn what a particular strain needs and what it doesn't like. I grow in dirt because it's a wee bit more forgiving.. but once you get this system dialed in, you'll be fine man.. Google MJ plant deficiencies and you'll get plenty of help ok.. best of luck man..
Re: HELP please , I need your Advice, spots on the leaves

Thank you for the prompt response Roundman,yes i running both right now, the distance from the plants are 90cm,flushed and i lowered the ph 2 days ago 5.5 5.6, but not lower the ppm, i consider using today tap water for more mg cal, Unfortunately I can not find the CAL/MAG of GHE in my country, can i use another brand product? for example Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra ?
Thanks again man :)
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