HELP! Think ive done bad...


New Member
8 weeks into veg
Lights on temp 72-75
Lights off temp 40-50
Humidity 35%
PH is around 6.5-6.8

Lights got flipped yesterday 12/12

For a start plant has been yellowing a little....

Then AFTER last fert of full strength bloom nutes (previous veg fert was 3 days previous) curling seems only to be on new growth...



Plant looks a little worst than it is in next image as i just misted (1st time in 8 weeks) thought there mite be excess salts on the leaves, give em a wash!?!

I have been watering every few days and limiting the nutes to once a week.

I have not flushed for entire 8 weeks so thought this was a good place to start as mite be some form of buildup causing lockout??? would cold lights off temp (40-50) be a factor here too?

Sat it in the sink and put about 12gals of water through (7gal soil) I have been reading other ppls posts and have seen similair probs to mine and they recommended flushing followed by a dose of epsom salts which i have done.

Any help or insight would be greatly appriceated.
Re: !HELP! Think ive done bad...

ouch,not done nothing that half of us probably have done,me personally would have watered 200 ml every day with low nutrients and worked my way up to full nutes like 1/3 strength,looks a bit shocked the plant,full bang is excessive to start,needs to be worked in or broken in if you like,not that bad,give a good flush,continue to give a watering 200 ml to start after a day break from flush,stick with water for a week,then start introducing nutes at 1/3 until they are stable then 300ml of water every two days of half nutes,then full dose!!only when you feel you can

hope this helps
Re: !HELP! Think ive done bad...

also just a quick one what is the strain,nice and bushy,dont panic will sort itself out,just remember you are mother nature,so give it a bit of loving lol
Re: !HELP! Think ive done bad...

also just a quick one what is the strain,nice and bushy,dont panic will sort itself out,just remember you are mother nature,so give it a bit of loving lol

Strain is Mazar x afghan. She has been topped once and LST'd for 8 weeks..

thanx albert. duh! what a rookie mistake! since id been feeding with almost full strength veg nutes i thought i could just wallop her with full strength bloom. Too much P has obviously done a number on her...

Check my journal if your interested

Gunja's 600W Soil Grow Afghan x Mazar
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