Help with mold, enclosed pics


New Member
:bongrip: Mold on leaves...took more pics of our set-up will post once ready...




jasonandjenn:cool: :headbanger:
You have a bad case of Powdery Mildew going on there. You are in flowering now correct? What you need to do is mixup a strong solution of (skim) milk and water.. 1 part milk to 9 parts water and spray/SOAK your plants with it. Milk works because the Lactic acid kills the PM spores on the leaves.

If possible, mix up a bucket of water and milk, turn your plant upside-down and dunk all of your foliage in it. That's the most effective way I've found of killing Powdery Mildew on plants already affected.

The reason why it's started is because of high humidity and/or low air movement around the plants. Probably during the lights -out period is my guess.

Keep a fan blowing on the plants at all times.... Powdery Mildew needs only 40% humidty to germinate into the spots you're seeing on the leaves. Once this grow is over, tear everything down and spray with bleach. If there is any carpet in the room, remove it. If any plastic on the floor, pick it up and bleach it.... etc...

Good luck.. I hate Powdery Mildew.....

Whoops - forgot to add that you can also use Apple Cider Vinegar - at 2 teaspoons per quart of water. (10ml to 1.2 liter) - spray as often as needed.

One note - too much will cause the pistils to turn brown, but will not hurt the plant or impede flowering...

Thanks Torco55... I pulled my last crop 3 weeks into flowering due to this *NASTY* stuff and tore down/bleached the entire room... The few plants that were salvaged were milk-dunked, and then given to our grow partner to flower....

He has a Powdery Mildew problem in his room too... but the plants that were milk-dunked have managed to stay mildew free, and the others he treats with the Vinegar spray.. He says the vinegar seems to be holding the PM back pretty well, and the plants aren't turning all yellow like they were with some of the Sulfur sprays he was trying..

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