Help with my seeds - Update & pics!

re: Help with my seeds - Update & pics!

I think you are fussing over them too much. Remember they are weeds. Watering too often and giving them nutrients too often. When you have young plants like yours, you need to be careful of how much nutrients you give. There's probably enough food in that soil for months. I water little plants every other day, something 3 weeks old I'd water every 3 to 5 days. Stick your finger in the soil to see if it really needs watering, that's how you know for sure. If it's damp let it dry out a little bit more. If it feels dry, give it water, not city water. The roots need air for proper health and uptake. Tho your plants do not look unhealthy, all your nursing may be slowing them down. Just back off a little. And as far as the fertilizers just give half doses by diluting the mixture. I won't fertilize until it's 3 weeks old, but then again I make my own dirt. And stop talking to them like they are little babies, that might be some of the problem.
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