hi everybody just moved in next door


New Member
hey guess i just joined and i can't wait to learn all i can about this wonderful plant,

i just started really smoking about 4 months ago so im still pretty new to the whole shindig, but then again thats why i joined hahha

feel free to send me messages and stuff cause im looking for friends on here since im kinda all alone =(

well anyways i wanted to start selling this great bud i found umm i think it is bc northern lights or something like that i only remember taking 2 hits out of my makeshift gravity bong and getting killed lol i was like gone for 4 hours

so i was hoping i could get some help on the measurements and prices

if that is cool anyways have funn stay safe .. :thanks:
Hello skunkshishi42 :welcome: You are not alone now, You will find people who share the same passion to learn and teach all that is known about this wonderful plant. So make yourself comfortable :nomo: and enjoy! See you around the forum. Good luck :peace:
welcome to the site! I'm sure all of your questions can be answered here. Just be warned, once you start posting, this place sucks you in and will suck up multiple hours of your time :bong:

Great people, and great information here. You will enjoy your stay ;)
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