Hippies did not have the internet


New Member
The hippies walk and drove to Capitol Hill to scream and demand the right to have a word in the politics of the day.

I had a brain fart and decided to get on the wagon for medical marijuana.

We have the internet and millions of voices attached and easy access to politicians and federal government sites.

We should be screaming from the top of our voices to get this out there.

We have it easy compared to them, and yet few get involved.

Let us carry on the work that Jack Herer busted his balls for.

Make Medical Marijuana available to all and enrich the lives of many.
The hippies walk and drove to Capitol Hill to scream and demand the right to have a word in the politics of the day.

I had a brain fart and decided to get on the wagon for medical marijuana.

We have the internet and millions of voices attached and easy access to politicians and federal government sites.

We should be screaming from the top of our voices to get this out there.

We have it easy compared to them, and yet few get involved.

Let us carry on the work that Jack Herer busted his balls for.

Make Medical Marijuana available to all and enrich the lives of many.

Amen Giomeister....Say it loud for all to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yahoo:
I've been writing letters for decades and many things have changed except the form letters sent out from D.C. But, I'll write again and again until . . . FREEDOM!
In the order of effectiveness:

Certified/registered letters.
Regular letters.

I have spam filters in place because I may never require Viagra, I don't really feel like helping a Nigerian scammer take my money, and feedback clearly shows that my penis size is just fine. Politicians have spam filters in place for other reasons - but they DO have them.

Send a real letter.
I'm talking about real snail mail letters. I've even tried writing on the back of the form letter to only receive a new copy of the same letter. That doesn't mean they want receive another letter from me. I think they look for subject, then pro or negative, then quantity of letters.
Gio, you say you are in WI. I thought they had MMJ????

Me, I am all for allowing adults to do what they want with a substance that is safer for you than drinking milk, eating a cheeseburger or having a beer.
No they need to get off their hiney perpindicular (cheech and chong term)

and get cracking on the laws. They seem to have their heads up their arses when it comes to getting stuff done.

I am grateful i was not raised here the midwest is lost.
By the way Herb Fellow. Remember Jack Herer and Captain Ed Adair said they will do it till they are dead or 84.

Keep that in mind.
An Update.

I talked to James at
his guy was awesome. He gave me the low down on the states laws.

I am relocating with spreading the word and medicine to the masses.

Northern California might be ideal. They can sell to the collectives and grow and have an easy life with as free and open as the laws are.

Need to secure a job and might just wait till tax time. California is the state i was raised in an i would be able to use for medical reasons.

I think i might be able to handle this.
I am really curious as to how many politicians will get a MMJ card in D.C. Should be exciting to watch how the government will perform with their ability to score legally.
Quite a well made point. The same laws would simply prevent the basic enjoyment. As we used to say "do not sh@# in your own backyard"

Colorful metaphors, do not bite the hand that feeds you.

so many ways to express.

I think we could start a revolution and it all ends we happy and high people. And, people who really need the medical aspect.

My step father god bless him. Was a great idealogy of a functioning "pot head" if there ever was one. He worked, paid bills, and lived with my mother who decided to shit life away. She has gone on to greater things like herione.

I have not touched a thing in over 20 years. 2 beers make me wanna nap..

However, i have been on perscriptions for 20 years.

Not any better really. I feel this could be what i seek.

Natural and cutting out everything aside blood pressure and cholesterol meds.

Life would be simple.

not a bad thing to aim for.
I take too many prescription drugs from the doctor, but mmj is my med of choice. When we get Washington, D.C. stoned and online with legalization, cannabis will be freed in many other nations.
:peace:I refuse to leave the 70's.
In the order of effectiveness:

Certified/registered letters.
Regular letters.

I have spam filters in place because I may never require Viagra, I don't really feel like helping a Nigerian scammer take my money, and feedback clearly shows that my penis size is just fine. Politicians have spam filters in place for other reasons - but they DO have them.

Send a real letter.

TS I had to laugh loudly while reading this post!:biglaugh::laugh: You are still The Greatest!:bravo::adore::adore:

An Update.

I talked to James at
his guy was awesome. He gave me the low down on the states laws.

I am relocating with spreading the word and medicine to the masses.

Northern California might be ideal. They can sell to the collectives and grow and have an easy life with as free and open as the laws are.

Need to secure a job and might just wait till tax time. California is the state i was raised in an i would be able to use for medical reasons.

I think i might be able to handle this.

Good Luck my friend and :thanks: for getting the word out! Just remember all that glitters is not gold and while selling MMJ to Collectives and Dispensaries sounds enticing there is a real glut in the market now in NorCal with high quality outdoor meds fetching on average $800 per LB last I spoke to a friends in Shasta and Humboldt Counties. This coupled with the legalization movement could spell financial disaster to many who rely on sales from canopies much larger than the proposed 5'x5' the current legislation would allow if enacted into law. I also want legalization but not at any cost or price hard work has been done to secure the limited rights we enjoy with MMJ and to see this eroded to pacify those who would impose strict limits on what is now a good Law in CA is in itself troublesome. I do not live in CA and do not know all scenarios nor have I read the entire Bill but what I have seen and read is disturbing and worrisome. If MMJ grows are left alone and MMJ Users are grandfathered in to abide by current Law I myself might vote for it IF I lived in California.
Please do not mistake this post I have recently thought long and hard about moving to The Golden State not just for quality of life but yes established MMJ protections among other things. I am only trying to caution you to consider what you are moving from and what you are moving to.
Good Luck whatever you decide but please consider all factors before making your situation better or worse. :goodluck:
I have been shooting on the idea for 10 years. Not so much in the MMJ scene. I have never conceived until recently the ability it might have as being a positive.

I have not done anything in 20 years. and i grew up in Cali. It is familiar to me and i hate snow.

In truth i am sure it can not be any worse off than i am now.

I make 11.50 and hour doing HMO enrollments on the phone for the state of Wisconsin. And, i am broke after paydays. Nothing going on here.

I am not paying credit card bills, not paying any other debt. This comes from being overly anal and doing collections.

I do not get anything i can not afford. However, i do not have money to get anything else, i pay a 40 dollar phone bill for cell. And, high speed internet, 45.00.

Otherwise no car payments, drive used.

Simple life and no debt aside from medical bills.

I am sure i can make more doing the same type phone work even if crappy.

we get aid for food and medical for now.

I have a wife with 2 kids, one is almost 3....
Thanks G, I just want you to do some thinking before jumping into the water. We never know what lurks beneath the waters surface in pools we have yet to swim inside of and as you so eloquently pointed out you can do more for your Family at a better job in a land with myriad opportunities but please remember when moving across vast distances what we are truly leaving behind. Many times a move such as this is just what the Dr ordered but be very careful as your decisions affect 3 other people 2 of whom are wholly dependent upon you for love and support so please be 420% extra careful and :goodluck:
Please keep us posted.
Wow Gio, I do not know how you can live in a major city on that income.

Milwaukee is an interesting town. Lots of unique attractions and history. And you have that blue flame thing. I remember having a lot of fun there. I used to work in Marinette Wisconsin (an hour north of Green Bay) and had a vendor in Milwaukee. I liked getting down to the big city and Chicago was way cool too. But man it was expensive and I made a lot of money.
nice brain fart bro,,i received a letter a few months back, more of a patition to use hemp as a medical use( whitch infact i do.) under the radar of cource, i signed it as a devout mmj user. id like to see more done myself
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