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Alive Foods - Mineral Source Chart


Hemp Seeds as Medicine
Hemp Seeds as Medicine

Throughout history, various parts of the hemp plant have been used for medicinal purposes. Please note that the following deals only with the use of hemp seeds and not of marijuana from the flowers or leaves. (See more under History.) It is the seed, or nut, that contains the most valued components for achieving longterm health.

Hemp seed has been used extensively throughout Asia, especially in China, where the hemp plant originated. Whether in the form of oil, decoction, powder, infusion, paste, or whole, it was a vital ingredient in many formulas.

Medical Properties

According to numerous Chinese medicinal texts, hemp seeds have the following medicinal properties which are used as a(n):

Aid prescribed for conditions related to childbirth; that is, to hasten it when delivery is complicated or overdue, for postpartum recovery, blood deficiency, and following feverish conditions, and to alleviate retained placentas in mothers just starting to breast-feed as well as to increase milk flow.

Anthelmintic, since it helps to destroy and dispel parasites, including worms.

Anti-atherosclerotic, since it helps break up long-standing problems with the blood flow and restores the blood, pulse rates, veins and arteries.

Anti-inflammatory, it soothes and reduces inflammation.

Antiseptic, it prevents bacterial growth, inhibits pathogens, and counters sepsis.

Assisting in the cure of zhong feng (a neurological impairment due to a stroke) and in the reduceing excess sweating associated with it.

Carrier in herbal formulas used to treat ulcers and sores, internally and externally.

Corrective for menstrual irregularities.

Demulcent, which soothes, protects, and nurtures intestinal membranes, especially of the mucus membranes during acute episodes of Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis.

Diuretic, since it increases blood flow through the kidneys and bladder, thus promoting urination.

Energetic, as it is sweet and neutral, affecting the meridians and organs of the spleen, stomach, and large intestines.

Hypotensive, since it is helpful in reducing blood pressure.

Nutritive for healthy hair and skin, as well as the entire body.

Tonic, which promotes general health and well-being, supports all organs, and builds energy and strength.

Treatment for:

dysentery, but not for diarrhea since it lossens, relaxes, or stimulates evacuation of the bowels.

constipation, especially in the elderly. In China today, hemp seed oil capsules are the most commonly prescribed remedy for constipation,

obstinate vomiting, edema and waste accumulations in the lymph.
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