How close is too close guys?


New Member
How close is too close?

Using a 250w 7200K MH system. I believe 19,000 lumens total. If I'm right these plants are just being surrounded with amazing amount of lumens.

Your thoughts? Using a 5 gal dwc cooler.
Totally agree with the hand technique, I did that with this setup. I have a fan directly on the ladies and I also have an extraction fan mounted on the 250w light. So it's basically pretty cool in my little closet. I did a test last night with one of my soil plants and I literally put the plant top within an inch and a half of the bulb. It was inside the hood... The next morning the girl was fine so I'm just learning the limits. I know 250 doesn't produce alot of heat so it's really the perfect light for vegging clones. Ambient temps honestly are the most important factor and at night I get the room around 65-70 and the closet is usually 75 at most at night.
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