How do you exhale?


New Member
how do u exhale ur hits? real slowly, slow, just normal, blow it out fast ??

i myself like to inhale slow and exhale really slowly.. i get real highhhhhhh...
Inhale: Slow-ish I guess, but just until I fill the chamber of my pipe. Then I release the carb and take in all the smokey goodness quickly.

Exhale: Depends. If I'm about to cough I'll exhale quickly, but usually it's a slow exhale. Helps with the whole 'relaxing' aspect of weed.
Slow and out the nose.
AngelGirlSassy said:
inhale slow....HOLD....exhale slow Cool Cat

rock on! Slayer Big Blunt
Wow i just found these! im an idiot!Rasta
I just found these also : Satan Cool Cat Blown Big Blunt Rasta Smokin
I got to take my hit and hold it, just like charmed i get the bowl and i reload it, yah man, ususally it's quick on the inhale hold that shit till it comes back to me the exhale real quick like
i inhale fast to try and get a nice hard hit (gets me high faster/better), and then i hold it in for so long the only thing i can do is exhale fast.
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