How effective would this be for passing?


New Member
So I joined the Army about 4 months ago and I'm shipping out September 7th for basic training. I've been smoking this summer until I ship out because thats what I use to do all the time. But today is going to be my last time smoking and I need to start getting the thc out of my system. I am going to take roughly around 600 cranberry pills over the next month and drink a lot of water and some niacin as well until then. Also I'm going to jog 10 miles every other day. I weigh around 150Lbs and I'm 5"11 so I have a fast metabolism. I heard thc can stay in your body for as long as 90 days. But I need to get it out in 35 days. I haven't been smoking that much this summer so I know there can't be too much in my system. But how effective do you think this will work? If you have any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Also has anyone done Alex420's technique and it worked because I was thinking about trying that technique as well. Thanks everyone

Taking any pills or loading up on fluid will not help. THC metabolites get absorbed by body fat, so the only way to get clean is to burn body fat.
Start by exercising as much as you can.
Stay hydrated but don't waste you're time with extra fluids, thc doesn't flush.
Eat a high fiber diet with metamucil. 75% of what you excrete is moved through the bowels. If they're not kept moving the substances can be reabsorbed.
3 days before your UA switch to a high fat red meat diet and quit exercising.
With your body weight you will probably be clean in 30 to 40 days.

Niacin is an old wives tale, the only thing niacin does is dialate you're blood vessels, which if over done can seriously damage your eye and liver blood vessels.
Don't believe some of myths about getting easily clean that have been posted, they are unreliable.
And its always a good idea to test yourself at home with a thc kit first piss of the day to make sure you're clean.
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