How! High are you?errr Hi! How are you?

Cheetah Rider

New Member
Hello everyone. Brand spankin' new here. Not sure what to tell you about myself that wouldn't bore you to the point of no longer being high so I'll try to keep it quick. First up I just got done making my own bowl. I made it out of sculpey despite the warnings on the back (hey! I'm not dead yet). It's really cool though. It's a hollow stump with a mushroom on the stem and a face on the stump (the stump being the actual part of the bowl). I'm rather proud of it. My brother and I have names for all of our paraphenalia. Weird? Sure! But it helps us keep track of our stuff. When he says to get Black Mamba I know to get the big black bong. When I say to get Sir Passalot he knows I want the purple glass bowl. I've smoked since I was about 21, and I am currently 27. I'm not what you would call a die hard stoner but I sure ain't no novice either. Living in small town illinois i can't get quallity bud, but i'm satisfied with the stuff i get. Anyway, I've blabbered long enough. Glad to be here.

"It's always 4:20 somewhere."

The Cheetah Rider
Man.. that was a big paragraph.

Power to you.
Hi everyone!!! I am a 36 year old mother of two living in Texas. I never really smoked in High School, made me really tired and I preferred to be hyper back I can use the relaxation and the ability to shut my mind off every once in a while. My husband got me into this herb and I am so contemplating a vaporizer cause I cough a lot. I live close to Austin so I know lots of smokers...I love reading the posts on this site, really funny and informative!!

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