How much did you spend on your piece?


New Member
I am trying to decide if my recent purchase of a large glass bong (2 chamber, ice area, 1.5 feet tall, etc) was a good deal. It also came with a large glass bowl to get the job done.

Price: $140 CDN.

Let me know what you are using, and what you paid!!

Cheers :rollit:
i went with something that was handcrafted by a local artist and i did pay a bit more, though to me the finished piece is really worth it. it is after all a piece of art. stay hi :)
I paid about 140$us for my RooR, my other paraphenilia ranges from 1-40$, for papers, blunts, pipes, bowl.. I would consider paying more for my stuff if I really came across something beautiful like some handblown pieces.
yea it sounds like 140 was a pretty good deal as long as your happy with it

i have paid over 60 for a piece of chong glass (large pipe)
and over 300 for a chong glass bong
the most i have spent on a peice was 100 ish, i havent bought a big name brand bong yet i bought a good sized 70 dollar one a few weeks ago and a bowl with a case for 24 bucks, cant beat that deal.
i pd 170 for my piece...but like fishsticks...mine is a work of art. And man do I love it...ain't no one got one like it. i can't wait to get my camera working. For a reg 2 chamber bong 75-125 is what we pay down here. But if it's special you got a great deal!
I paid $35 for a nice little bong. Great smoke shop in Pike Place Market in Seattle. They charge double and triple for the same thing in the shops in SoFl, which in my humble opinion is a huge rip off.
i paid $12 for my pipe and $20 for my krusty the clown bong at a local shop where i live. . .both have held up pretty well so im happy with it :)
For my roor me and a couple friends dropped around 300.

but my mini bubbler was only $42. I love both of them but usually go for the roor

if i want to get blazed:roorrip:
I paid $50 at a Four Twenty sale for a Gravitron Gravity Bong. That thing delivers the greatest hits this side of a Volcano for the money. I bought a carrying case for it, too. It's the life of a party, I swear!
ive spent up to 80 dollars on some of my gear, some stuff being rellatively cheap though, the rest homemade.
but my favourite, having the most sentimental value is my 'cone'.
nobody can look past it and not be at least slightly fascinated.
i made it from a huge road cone with the base area cut off, where i sealed and waterproofed a new flat surface underneath without the bits around the side, it has a piece of orange plastic pipe hotglued a little over 1 third of the way up as the stem and a huge socket jammed into the top of the pipe, sticking out slightly with a home made gauze made from the wiremesh used in a lot of speakers, all i had to do then was cut a carby hole and fill er up with a few gallons of water and she is the biggest bong ive seen in my life.
the cone piece is off one of the larger sockets you can buy and can hold well over a few grams of bud at any one time, when it comes down to business we use a blowtorch.
cost = $0
might post pictures if anyones keen on having a look.
ive spent up to 80 dollars on some of my gear, some stuff being rellatively cheap though, the rest homemade.
but my favourite, having the most sentimental value is my 'cone'.
nobody can look past it and not be at least slightly fascinated.
i made it from a huge road cone with the base area cut off, where i sealed and waterproofed a new flat surface underneath without the bits around the side, it has a piece of orange plastic pipe hotglued a little over 1 third of the way up as the stem and a huge socket jammed into the top of the pipe, sticking out slightly with a home made gauze made from the wiremesh used in a lot of speakers, all i had to do then was cut a carby hole and fill er up with a few gallons of water and she is the biggest bong ive seen in my life.
the cone piece is off one of the larger sockets you can buy and can hold well over a few grams of bud at any one time, when it comes down to business we use a blowtorch.
cost = $0
might post pictures if anyones keen on having a look.

I am deffinitely interested to see this. I bet u get insane hits off of it
one chamber full is usually 2 or more good tokes depending on the water level.
it hasnt been used much lately because its not the most discreet tool for the application, i cant really take it out when we go on our stoner trips, so its only used when i have guests over.

its just one of the things you think of when you are stoned, as did i, so have many others who came up with intelligent ideas by simply having thier perspective recallibrated temporarily through pot.

ima start a thread on that there. word
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