I bet the dead son was toking some good shit


New Member
The old adage says that time heals all wounds. Likewise, science tells us that people who smoke a lot of pot damage their memories, at least temporarily. Put the two together, and you may end up with a couple like "Gio" and "Gia," from the Liguria region of Italy. This older couple (he 66, she 57) needed someplace to grow their marijuana plants. Someplace far from prying eyes of the authorities. Someplace quiet and out of the way, where their plants wouldn't be bothered. Say, at the grave site of their son.

Two things here. First, man, that's just so not cool. How far do those plants roots reach down? Where are the soil nutrients coming from? Here's a hint: they're in a cemetery. By the grave of this couple's' son. Did they ever stop to consider that before they toked up? Second, of course, no matter where you put six foot high cannabis plants, sooner or later someone's bound to notice, especially if you put them in a public area, like a graveyard.

And so the authorities did notice, and, perhaps tipped off by the name on the headstone by which all the pot plants were congregating, paid a visit to Gio and Gia, who readily admitted to "using the cemetery for illegal acts." Police also found pot plants in Gio and Gia's courtyard, where presumably nothing but the occasional pet might be buried.

Perhaps from here on out, Gio and Gia will just leave flowers. Let's hope they're no poppies.

*Uncle John's presents Book of the Dumb : p.g 82 "ultimate mellow harsher"

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