i have an interesting question...


New Member
i love to smoke weed and grow for myself :yummy: in the past year i lern from grow to grow and try afew seeds bank to know which strain i like.
but samthing pass in my head and i am thinking on the THC level,for example i been in amstrdem lsat month and buy afew seed ther and the thc level was 21.8 i am wandering if ther a strain withe thc kevel thet come near to 100

Don't think there will be bud that high with the plant material in bud. Hash maybe. Check out bc seeds and elephant bud, or storm trooper bud. Just a mere $2000 for 10 seeds. Claims 34% THC. Not sure I believe em, but they dam sure better have a guarantee for that price!!!!
and if i dont whant to mike Hash from this kind of strain and just to smoke it so i think 30-45% thc its fucking strong ...
but this price is fucking expensive and ther now guarantee to the price if i dont know what will happen.....
in the last time i prder from grinehouse and try difrent strain .
but all my first time was from sensiseed bank and allso was verey good strain.
bcseeds now i her of them in the first time....they heve expensive strain and verey chiper strain....
what do you think....
i love to try things but keep the bast for me antil i get ......:cheer:
and 2000cnd is like 2000$ Damn this price
someone try this seedbank or this kind of strain with the 30-45%thc...
what its mean ? strong and high plant ? tripy plant or what?

Don't know.

So far, no one has been stupid enough to spend the $2,000.:rofl:

I agree with Droopy Dog, thats just crazy as cat shit
I'm just glad u can still get quality mj seed packs for like 40 or 50 US /pack of 10. otherwise I would still be using bagseed...I still wonder if you couldn't do just as well with bagseed if you did things JUST right, and went through a couple generations trying to find the good traits...
I'm just glad u can still get quality mj seed packs for like 40 or 50 US /pack of 10. otherwise I would still be using bagseed...I still wonder if you couldn't do just as well with bagseed if you did things JUST right, and went through a couple generations trying to find the good traits...

You can do quite well with bag seed. At the very least, if properly grown it will be better than the pot the seeds came in.

I'm growing bag seed now and really have no plans to buy any seeds. Of course, this bag seed is a pure indica from a SoFla grower. I'm sure it's a named strain, but it was never told to me, so it's bag seed. LOL

my last grow and the first half of this grow is bagseed, which went hermie the first grow. they looked and smelled and tasted absolutely wonderful, but had a lackluster buzz to say the least, plus self pollinated terribly. I got tons of seeds. This time around I'll watch closely for signs of hermaphroditism, and just try to treat them better...They appear to be growing more like indica's than last grow. Also I remember someone saying the quality may skip a generation, so every other grow will be good, which means I'm due! What I don't get is they were sugary with trichomes...and they were cloudy when picked... I thought that MEANT it would be powerful, but apparently not...it can still suck trich's or no...
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