Identifing The Mystery nuggs


New Member
I smoked a premature white rhino Bud that was a small bud on my girls, and it smoked out strong for a test . plant looked like shit through the whole grow but has a nice high. Let me ask I picked up several grams from a friend (32 to be exact) and I can tell its good... smells like ass thought.... think its some skunk very strong Indica buzz, can anyone tell me what a good strong skunk smokes and feels like, and bud odor? .:bongrip: or a strain that smells like a burnt turd covered with hair. Anyway been smoking Haze for awhile I want to give a new Smoke a try i need a few suggestions?

Well I never really have smelled a burnt turd covered with hair i'm just using that to get the point aross that it smells. Buds are cured well very decent smoke, the burnt bud doesnt smell bad but I put my nose in the jar I keep my bud in and it smells like a skunk which is why I was asking about how skunk smokes? Does skunk get its name from its smell?????.. Defiantly Indica dominant if not 100% Like you said Stankalot I get some good tunes playing kick back at my computer and the couch lock sets in. Only time i really move in the coarse of a hour is to pick a different type of music to listen too and that takes me 10 min. and ocasionally I stop and tell myself in my very high state of mind with a very large smile "Life is good" gonna submit my post and check out your Journals Stankalot and then look at a 6k watts of HPS looks like. Im in a 4x8 hut with 1 400watter
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