Ignorance really is bliss

Twitch Kustom

New Member
I just wanted to share this news article I found. Just look at the title. They focus on them smoking and not on her just sneaking out for the night, when they just hung out and watched some movies. Although she is a minor(and I dont condone minors smoking even though I did) the title makes it sound like he is alot older. This is the kind of ignorance im plagued with around here. I love the south just not the ignorance that comes along with it. I blanked out all of the names because mj is definately illegal around here. We will probably be the last state to legalize. Even though if I was in any of the legal mmj states I could get a card easily because of my lumbar milasia.

Here is the headline:


A Sh____ man was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor after parents of a 15-year-old girl alerted deputies that she was missing.

John M_____ R____ Jr., 21, of Sh____ faces the contributing charge after officers learned the teen had been smoking marijuana at R____' residence Nov. 28, according to a ____ County Sheriff's Office report.

Deputies responded to a missing persons report and discovered a 17-year-old Y___ teen picked up the missing teen around midnight and took her to R____' residence. She was reported missing around 3:30 a.m.

While there, they smoked marijuana, watched movies and fell asleep, the report states.

After an investigation, R____ was arrested Wednesday morning. He has been released from the ____ Justice Center.
That's messed! But it kind of made me laugh, cause they're like "they smoked pot, watched movies, and fell asleep" not like they did anything harmful after they smoked pot, they just had a good time. It could have been some other drug making them fuck mailboxes for an hour and fight each other.
That's messed! But it kind of made me laugh, cause they're like "they smoked pot, watched movies, and fell asleep" not like they did anything harmful after they smoked pot, they just had a good time. It could have been some other drug making them fuck mailboxes for an hour and fight each other.

LOL, I almost spilt my coffee after reading that. I hate it when the media trys to do this. Its kinda sad really that they cant find a decent story so they try to bash on every person that is down on their luck. Now dont get me wrong, some of them do deserve everything that is said but not this guy. Anyways, thanks for the the laugh hipchick.:cool:

DXM89, thats the kinda crap I have to deal with. You kinda come to expect it but it still pisses you off.
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