I'm old, been growing outdoors a few years

Update: Disaster Spreads.

I lost the fight against bud rot and staring chopping last night.

My sanitizer was too weak to prevent my fiskers and fingers from spreading the fungus and then the fans made sure to blow it around and that was it.

The last 3 weeks of rain and 85% humidity was relentless.

The girls making seeds for next year were not far enough along.

Of all the plants trichomes only a few were amber.

What caused my delayed reaction was my ignored outside twins , with no shelter no fans no plucking, didn’t develop rot until yesterday.

Studying my layout and tactics took time bc with age comes a bias and a relunctance to copping to your shit going whack.

I knew my bare naked outdoor growing days were over but to go out on a failed crop made me cry.

Refilling my spray bottle with straight rubbing alcohol and misting my fingers/ tools for regular while downs made a huge difference in the number of infected buds that greeted me the next morning. I stayed up the entire night before like a deft surgeon snipping out anything brown.

How to best dry what’s left is mind mumbling confusing.

I have 3 different approaches going and am on the verge of making some more tears.


Pics later, I gotta blow noise, pep talk, hit some of last year’s inventory and get right with myself.

I made a series of mistakes and suffered the worst of luck and the self kicking has just ramped-up but maybe by tomorrow I’ll get my legs back under me and start making changes.

Chop early if you can’t drop the humidity bc it can get worse in an instant.

I’m still a rockstar but not my best concert, JD
Two girls I have making seeds for next year are bud rot free, no where near the infected others and are themselves both a success story.

Sun baking a cola after 2 days hanging dark. About to snip leafs, seperate in jars with paper towels put in a box, examine in the morning.

What a mess

I do NOT recommend this sanitizer for herb work. IMG_5205.JPGIMG_5207.JPGIMG_5209.JPGIMG_5211.JPGIMG_5214.JPGIMG_5217.JPGIMG_5220.JPGIMG_5221.JPGIMG_5224.JPGIMG_5226.JPG
Update: same miserable day but less so.

The lollipop in distress brought to me by Mrs. Brown thumb is rot free, making seeds and even has some semi respectable buds flowering as to offer a glimpse into the seeds potential.

Unless a tornado can mes along.

Other good news is a puny OG set aside to make seeds is doing equally well, no rot and making tantalizing flowers.

I couldn’t take Annalee down.
She not smokable her seeds are mature yet and it would only amount to a bunch more work for nothing much.

I’m riding her out. Pluck brown buds until there’s no buds left maybe but along the way a few could turn amber and with as upset as I am, I know one bud is better then no bud so I take my chances, learn, and do better next season... INDOORS!
I’ve been circling the remaining plants trying to stay out in front of month worms and doing well I thought until today.

New moth eggs showing and lots of tiny larva diving into the bud top.

The idea was get SOME BUDS to amber and mature seeds but there’s no amber showing and the virgin worm free buds are dwindling.

Too boot I’m brutalizing the seeds in the worm hunting.

I’ll be back later to see if anyone’s got a better idea then taking them all down, snipping out what might be good and get drunk.
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