Inhibition Of Human Hair Follicle Growth By Endo And Exocannabinoids

Jacob Bell

New Member
Andrea Telek,*," ,1 Tama´s Bı´ro´ ,*," ,1,2 Eniko˝ Bodo´ ,"¡ Bala´zs I. To´ th,*,2 Istva´n Borbı´ro´ ,*
George Kunos,§ and Ralf Paus"¡
*Department of Physiology and " Cell Physiology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, University of Debrecen, Medical and Health Science Center, Research Center for
Molecular Medicine, Debrecen, Hungary; "¡Department of Dermatology, University Hospital
Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lu¨beck, University of Lu¨beck, Lu¨beck, Germany; and §National Institute
on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

ABSTRACT Recent studies strongly suggest that the
cannabinoid system is a key player in cell growth
control. Since the organ-culture of human hair follicles
(HF) offers an excellent, clinically relevant model for
complex tissue interaction systems, we have asked
whether the cannabinoid system plays a role in hair
growth control. Here, we show that human scalp HF,
intriguingly, are both targets and sources of endocannabinoids.
Namely, the endocannabinoid N-arachidonoylethanolamide
(anandamide, AEA) as well as the
exocannabinnoid  (9)-tetrahydrocannabinol dose-dependently
inhibited hair shaft elongation and the proliferation
of hair matrix keratinocytes, and induced
intraepithelial apoptosis and premature HF regression
(catagen). These effects were inhibited by a selective
antagonist of cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1). In contrast
to CB2, CB1 was expressed in a hair cycle-dependent
manner in the human HF epithelium. Since we successfully
identified the presence of endocannabinoids in
human HF, our data strongly suggest that human HF
exploit a CB1-mediated endocannabinoid signaling system
for negatively regulating their own growth. Clinically,
CB1 agonists may therefore help to manage
unwanted hair growth, while CB1 antagonists might
counteract hair loss. Finally, human HF organ culture
offers an instructive, physiologically relevant new research
tool for dissecting "nonclassical" effects of
endocannabinoids and their receptor-mediated signaling
in general.–Telek, A., Bı´ro´ , T., Bodo´ , E., To´ th,
B. I., Borbı´ro´ , I., Kunos, G., Paus, R. Inhibition of
human hair follicle growth by endo- and exocannabinoids.
FASEB J. 21, 3534—3541 (2007)
Key Words: cannabinoid receptor  proliferation  apoptosis
 hair cycle
9-tetrahydrocannabinol (thc), the psychoactive
component of marijuana, mimics the effects of numerous
endogenous substances (collectively referred to as
endocannabinoids) by binding to cannabinoid (CB)
receptors (1—5). Centrally, these endogenous molecules
are involved in regulating, e.g., behavior and
learning (1—3, 6—8), while their peripheral effects
include the modulation of immune and cardiovascular
functions (1—3, 9, 10) and the control of growth normal
and transformed cells as well as cell death and survival
(11—17). CB receptors reportedly are also found on
human epidermal keratinocytes in vitro, with conflicting
data as to which types (CB1, CB2) are actually
expressed (18—20). Although activation of CB receptors
may suppress growth, murine skin tumors (18) and
human melanomas (16) and, furthermore, cannabinoids
were suggested to modify in vitro proliferation
and differentiation of transformed keratinocytes (19,
21), it is unclear whether CB receptors are functionally
important in normal human skin physiology.
The organ culture of human scalp hair follicles (HF)
in the growth stage of the hair cycle (anagen VI), which
continue to grow rapidly after microdissection and
produce hair shafts in vitro at almost the in vivo-speed
seen on the human scalp (22), is ideally suited to
follow-up the above reports of growth-modulatory effects
of CB receptor ligands in the human system.
Employing this assay, we had already shown, e.g., that
vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) agonists (such as capsaicin)
operate as potent inhibitors of human hair growth
(23). Arguing, furthermore, that the HF is exquisitely
sensitive to the effects of psychoemotional stress (24,
25); that THC is prominently incorporated into human
hair shafts (26, 27); and that several psychotropic
hormones have recently been recognized to modulate
human hair growth (24, 28—32), we now have asked
whether the endocannabinoid system is also involved in
the control of human hair growth.
Since the cycling HF represents a prototypic, constantly
remodeled epithelial-mesenchymal interaction
system that switches between states of rapid epithelial
proliferation (anagen), apoptosis-driven organ involution
(catagen), and relative quiescence (telogen), the
organ culture of human HF, which continues to un-
dergo the anagen-catagen transformation in vitro, offers
a highly instructive, easily accessible model for probing
the effects of test agents on complex human tissue
interaction systems (33, 34). Therefore, as an integral
part of the ongoing exploration of the intriguing
"nonclassical" neuro-endocrine role of the skin both
under physiological and pathological conditions (35—
39), the human HF organ culture promised to offer an
ideal, physiologically and clinically relevant general
model system for dissecting the as-yet-unclear functions
of cannabinoids in the control of human cell growth
and death in situ.
AEA, 2-AG, AM-251, THC, and interferon- (IFN) were
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Taufkirchen, Germany).
Isolation and maintenance of hair follicles
The study was approved by the Institutional Research Ethics
Committees and adhered to Declaration of Helsinki guidelines.
Human anagen HF (n18—24 per group) were isolated
from skin obtained from females undergoing face-lift surgery
(23, 31). Isolated HF were maintained in Williams E medium
(Biochrom, Cambridge, UK) supplemented with 2 mM Lglutamine
(Invitrogen, Paisley, UK), 10 ng/ml hydrocortisone,
10 g/ml insulin, and antibiotics (all from Sigma).
Medium was changed every other day, whereas treatment with
various cannabinoids was performed daily.
Measurement of hair shaft elongation
Length measurements were daily performed on individual
HF using a light microscope with an eyepiece measuring
graticule (23, 31).
Histology, histochemistry, quantitative histomorphometry
Cryostat sections (8 m thick) of cultured HF were fixed in
acetone, air-dried, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin
(Sigma). Hair cycle stage (anagen, catagen) of each HF was
assessed according to defined morphological criteria whereas
melanin pigment was visualized by the Masson-Fontana histochemistry
(23, 34).
Immunohistochemistry of CB receptors
For the detection of CB receptors on isolated HF, two
complementary techniques, the tyramide-substrate amplification
(TSA) and the alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity-based
methods were used (23, 31). For the TSA technique, sections
were first incubated by primary antibodies (1:400) against the
N terminus of CB1 (H-150, sc-20754, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz,
CA, USA) or CB2 (Cat. No. 101550—1, Cayman Chemical,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Samples were then labeled with
biotinylated multilink swine anti-goat/mouse/rabbit IgG (1:
200, DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark) and finally with streptavidine-
horseradish peroxidase (TSA kit, Perkin Elmer, Boston,
MA, USA) followed by an application of fluorescein-tyramide
(1:50, TSA kit). Sections were counterstained by DAPI (1
g/ml, Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany). For
the AP-based method, after staining with the appropriate
CB-specific antibodies (1:40) and the biotinylated multilink
swine anti-goat/mouse/rabbit IgG (1:200), sections were labeled
by a streptavidin-AP conjugate (1% reagent mixture,
Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA). Immunoreactions
were finally visualized using Fast Red (Sigma) and the
sections were counterstained by hematoxylin (Sigma).
In both staining procedures, to further assess specificity of
the immunostaining, primary labeling was also performed
using goat C-terminus-specific antibodies: anti-CB1 (K-15,
sc-10068, Santa Cruz) and anti-CB-2 (C-15, sc-10073, Santa
Cruz). The application of these latter primary antibodies
resulted in identical staining patterns (not shown). As negative
controls, the appropriate primary antibodies were either
omitted from the procedure or were preabsorbed with synthetic
blocking peptides (purchased from Santa Cruz or
Cayman). In addition, the specificity of CB receptor staining
was also measured on tissues recognized to be CB1 (brain) or
CB2 (spleen) positive (not show).
Image analysis
The intensity of fluorescence CB1-immunoreactivity in each
section was measured at 5—10 previously defined reference
regions of interest (ROI) of either the layers of distal ORS or
the matrix keratinocytes at a 0—255 U/pixel intensity range
using the Image Pro Plus 4.5.0 software (Media Cybernetics,
Silver Spring, MD, USA), and the average of the CB1-specific
immunosignal (meanse) was calculated (23). A similar
approach was employed to define the melanin content of the
bulb regions of individual HF, labeled by Masson-Fontana
Double immunolabeling of proliferating and apoptotic cells
To evaluate apoptotic cells in colocalization with a proliferation
marker Ki-67, a Ki-67/TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase biotin-dUTP nick end labeling) double-staining
method was employed (23, 31). Cryostat sections were
fixed in formalin/ethanol/acetic acid and labeled with a
digoxigenin-deoxyUTP (ApopTag Fluorescein In Situ Apoptosis
Detection Kit, Intergen, Purchase, NY, USA) in presence
of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), followed
by incubation with a mouse anti-Ki-67 antiserum
(DAKO). TUNEL cells were visualized by an antidigoxigenin
FITC-conjugated antibody (ApopTag kit), whereas Ki-67
was detected by a rhodamine-labeled goat anti-mouse antibody
(Jackson Immuno Research, West Grove, PA, USA).
Finally, sections were counterstained by DAPI (1 g/ml,
Boehringer Mannheim). Negative controls were performed
by omitting TdT and the Ki-67 antibody. The number of cells
positive for Ki-67 and TUNEL immunoreactivity was counted
per hair bulb and was normalized to the number of total
(DAPI) cells.
Quantitative "real-time" PCR (Q-PCR)
Q-PCR was performed on an ABI PRISM 7000 Sequence
Detection System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA)
using the 5 nuclease assay (23, 31). Total RNA was isolated
from pools of freshly dissected HFs (n100—200) using
TRIzol (Invitrogen) and 3 g of total RNA were reversetranscribed
into cDNA by using 15 U of AMV reverse transcriptase
(Promega, Madison, WI, USA) and 0.025 g/l
random primers (Promega). PCR amplification was carried
out by using the TaqMan primers and probes (Assay ID:
Hs00275634_m1 for human CB1, Assay ID: Hs00361490_m1
for human CB2) using the TaqMan Universal PCR Master
Mix Protocol (Applied Biosystems). As internal controls,
transcripts of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
(GAPDH) were determined (Assay ID: Hs99999905_m1 for
human GAPDH). The amount of CB receptor-specific transcripts
was normalized to those of GAPDH using the CT
method (23).
Determination of endocannabinoid levels
Freshly isolated HFs weighing 50 mg were homogenized in
0.5 ml of an ice-cold solution of methanol: Tris buffer (50
mM, pH 8) 1:1 containing 7 ng of 2H4-anandamide (2H4-
AEA), synthesized as described in (40, 41). To each homogenate
2 ml of ice-cold chloroform:methanol 1:1 and 0.5 ml of
50 mM Tris buffer, pH 8, was added. The homogenate was
centrifuged at 4°C (500 g for 2 min), and the chloroform
phase was recovered and transferred to a borosilicate tube,
and the water phase extracted two more times with ice-cold
chloroform. The combined extract was evaporated to dryness
at 32°C under a stream of nitrogen. The dried residue was
reconstituted in 110 l of chloroform, and 2 ml of ice-cold
acetone was added. The precipitated proteins were removed
by centrifugation (1800 g, 10 min) and the clear supernatant
was removed and evaporated to dryness. The dry residues
were reconstituted in 50 l of ice-cold methanol, of which 35
l was used for analysis by liquid chromatography/in line
mass spectrometry, using an Agilent 1100 series LC-MSD,
equipped with a thermostated autosampler and column compartment.
Liquid chromatographic separation of endocannabinoids
was achieved using a guard column (Discovery HS
C18, 2 cm 4.0 mm, 3 m, 120A) and analytical column
(Discovery HS C18, 7.5 cm 4.6 mm, 3 m) at 32°C with a
mobile phase of methanol:water:acetic acid 85:15:0.1 (v/v/v)
at a flow of 1 ml/min for 12 min followed by 8 min of
methanol:acetic acid 100:0.1 (v/v). The MSD (model LS) was
set for atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI),
positive polarity, and selected-ion-monitoring (SIM) to monitor
ions m/z 348 for AEA, 352 for 2H4-AEA, and 379 for
2-AG. The spray chamber settings: vaporizer 400°C, gas
temperature 350°C, drying gas 5.0 l/min, and nitrogen, used
as the nebulizing gas with a pressure of 60 psig. Calibration
curves were produced using synthetic AEA and 2-AG (Cayman).
The amounts of AEA and 2-AG in the samples were
determined using inverse linear regression of standard
curves. Values are expressed as fmol or pmol per mg wet
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using a Mann-Whitney U
test for unpaired samples (n18—24 HFs per group) (23, 31).
AEA, unlike 2-AG, inhibits hair growth
First, microdissected, organ-cultured human scalp HF
in the growth stage of the hair cycle (i.e., anagen VI)
(22, 23, 31) were stimulated with one of the bestcharacterized
endocannabinoids, N-arachidonoylethanolamide
(anandamide, AEA) (1—5, 42). AEA significantly
0.05) and dose-dependently inhibited hair
shaft elongation (Fig. 1a) and (as revealed by determining
the number of Ki67 positive cells) hair matrix
keratinocyte proliferation (Fig. 1b). In contrast, the
endocannabinoid significantly (P
0.05) stimulated
keratinocyte apoptosis in the epithelial hair bulb (as
assessed by TUNEL labeling, Fig. 1b) as well as premature
HF entry into apoptosis-driven organ involution
(catagen) (Fig. 1c). It is worth noting, however, that
AEA did not affect HF pigmentation (32, 33), since the
melanin content of anagen VI HF remained unchanged
(not shown).
We have also investigated the effect of the other main
endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) (1—5,
42). Interestingly, 2-AG did not significantly alter human
hair shaft elongation in vitro (Fig. 1a), HF proliferation,
apoptosis, or catagen entry (not shown).
CB1, but not CB2, is expressed in the HF, and its
level is regulated by the hair cycle
We then assessed whether HF express the molecular
targets of cannabinoids (3, 5). By mutually complementary
and confirmatory, independent immunohistochemical
methods (Fig. 2a, b), specific CB1 immunoreactivity
(CB1-ir) was identified in the HF epithelium,
primarily in outer root sheath (ORS) keratinocytes (but
not on the fibroblasts of the HF dermal papilla). In
addition, transcription of the CB1 gene in freshly
isolated, microdissected human scalp HFs (more precisely:
anagen VI hair bulbs) was demonstrated by quantitative
RT-PCR (Fig. 2d). In contrast, of great importance,
neither immunohistochemistry nor Q-PCR indicated the
expression of CB2 in the HF (not shown).
Intriguingly, CB1 protein expression significantly increased
on hair matrix (and, yet only marginally, on
ORS) keratinocytes of cultured HF, which had been
experimentally induced to undergo premature HF involution
(catagen) phase by interferon- (IFN) treatment
(23) (Fig. 2b, c). Moreover, we have also found that the
intensity of CB1-ir was also up-regulated on AEA-treated
catagen HF (not shown). These data show that normal
human scalp HFs express CB1 (but not CB2) on the gene
and protein level, and suggest that the intrafollicular CB1
expression is hair cycle-dependent.
Effects of AEA are mediated by CB1
but not by TRPV1
The above data also support the argument that the
effects of AEA on the human scalp HF may be transmitted
by CB1 receptors. Further in line with this
hypothesis, we found that the specific CB1 antagonist
AM-251 (1, 3, 5), which alone did not modify hair shaft
elongation, completely abrogated the hair growth-inhibitory
effect of AEA and normalized hair growth
parameters to the vehicle control level (Fig. 1a). This
finding corroborates the missing evidence of CB2 expression
in human scalp HF on either the protein or
gene level and suggests that the potent hair growthinhibitory
actions of the endocannabinoid AEA are
most likely mediated by CB1.
However, previous reports have also documented
that AEA may also activate TRPV1 and hence may act as
an "endovanilloid" substance (3, 43, 44). In addition,
we have previously shown that the human HF epithelium
also expresses TRPV1 and that the specific activation
of the TRPV1-coupled signaling by the exovanilloid
capsaicin (a pungent ingredient of hot chili
peppers) inhibits hair shaft elongation and proliferation,
and induces apoptosis-driven catagen regression
(23), very similar to the above action of AEA. Therefore,
we also measured the possible role of TRPV1 in
mediating the effects of AEA.
As seen in Fig. 3a, the TRPV1 antagonist iodoresiniferatoxin
(I-RTX), which on its own did not
modify "basal" hair growth (23), was unable to prevent
the effect of AEA to inhibit hair shaft elongation
suggesting the lack of involvement of TRPV1. Further
corroborating this statement, we have also found that
AEA and the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin exerted similar
and, of great importance, additive effects to suppress
hair growth (Fig. 3a), to inhibit the proliferation of HF
matrix keratinocytes, and to induce intrafollicular apoptosis
(Fig. 3b). Since the hair growth-inhibitory effect
of capsaicin (confirming our previous results) (23) was
fully abrogated by the TRPV1 antagonist I-RTX but not
affected by the CB1 antagonist AM-251 (Fig. 3a), these
findings strongly support the argument that the synergistic
endocannabinoid and vanilloid systems operate independently
to inhibit human hair growth and hence the
effects of AEA are indeed exclusively mediated by CB1.
HF are sources of endocannabinoids
We were also interested in to define whether HF,
besides responding to the action of cannabinoids and
expressing CB1, also produce certain endocannabinoids.
Therefore, in a pilot study, HF collected from
two individuals, processed as described under Materials
and Methods, and subjected to mass spectrometry to
measure the presence of endocannabinoids. We
showed for the first time that freshly dissected HF not
only respond to but, intriguingly, also express such
endocannabinoids as AEA and 2-AG. However, it was
noteworthy to observe that whereas the level of AEA
(6.6 —11.2 fmol/mg tissue, range, n2) was comparable
to those of, e.g., heart samples (7.7 fmol/mg tissue)
(9, 45), the level of 2-AG was much lower (0.2— 0.3
pmol/mg tissue, range, n2) than previously found in
cardiac tissues (3.5 pmol/mg tissue) (9, 45). Obviously,
these initial, very preliminary data demand careful
and systematic repetition using tissue extracts of
many additional HF from several different individuals
before definitive conclusions on the spectrum of endogenous
cannibinoid receptor ligands can be drawn.
In addition, these need to be integrated with information
on the endocannabinoid content of healthy human
skin and organ-cultured HF of various stages of HF
cycling (i.e., anagen, catagen).
THC also inhibits hair growth
THC, the key active ingredient in hashish and marijuana,
is one of the best-investigated exocannabinoid
(1—5) and is deposited at high levels in the hair shafts of
human cannabis consumers (26, 27), e.g., after inhalation
or ingestion and of tumor patients treated with
THC as an antiemetic, psychotropic agent. Therefore,
we finally wished to investigate the effects of this
prototypic exocannabinoid, which binds to both CB1
and CB2 (1—5), on human HF growth in organ-culture.
Almost identical to the actions of AEA reported
above, THC significantly inhibited hair shaft elongation
in a dose-dependent fashion, suppressed proliferation
of HF keratinocytes, and induced both hair matrix
keratinocyte apoptosis and premature catagen development
(Fig. 4a—c). These data, therefore, suggest that
exocannabinoids can mimic the hair growth-inhibitory
effects of endocannabinoids.
We also determined the effect of THC on the melanin
content of the HF. During this measurement, to differentiate
the effect of the exocannabinoids from the wellknown
catagen-associated "shut-down" of follicular melanogenesis
(33, 34, 46—48), the melanin content of only
those THC-treated HF were defined, which were not yet
transformed to catagen. Interestingly, as opposed to findings
with AEA, we found that THC significantly and
dose-dependently suppressed the melanin content of the
HF (Fig. 4d), suggesting THC may also exert inhibitory
effects on follicular melanogenesis in situ (independent of
the normal, catagen-associated suppression of the melanin
production of the HF) (33, 34, 46—48).
Exploration of cannabinoid functions in skin biology
and pathology is an important, integral part of the
ongoing exploration of the skin as a "nonclassical"
neuro-endocrine organ. As a part of this quest, in this
paper, we provide the first evidence that the prototypic
endocannabinoid, AEA (which may even be produced
within human HF), and the–notoriously abused–
exocannabinoid, THC, both inhibit human hair shaft
elongation and induce apoptosis-driven HF involution
(catagen) in vitro. We show that these effects are most
likely mediated via CB1 receptor-mediated signaling
mechanism. Furthermore, we show that intrafollicular
expression of the "targeted" CB1 is hair cycle-dependent
and is up-regulated during catagen. Given that
these effects were generated with intact components of
a normal human miniorgan and under assay conditions
that preserve in vivo-like key functions of this organ
during the test period, our findings are both physiologically
and clinically relevant. Furthermore, these data
support the concept that human HF are both targets
and sources of endocannabinoids, and exploit a physiologically
relevant paracrine-autocrine endocannabinoid
system for negatively regulating their own growth.
Since previous reports have extensively documented
that AEA might exert its cellular actions via CB1, CB2,
and/or TRPV1-coupled signaling mechanisms (1—5,
42—44), a central core of the current study was to
identify the molecular target(s) of this endocannabinoid.
Our results that i) the hair growth-inhibitory
actions of AEA was fully abrogated by the CB1-specific
antagonist AM-251; ii) the effects of AEA was not
modified by the TRPV1 antagonist I-RTX; and iii) CB1
was successfully identified in the HF (both at the
protein and mRNA levels), whereas CB2 was not found;
suggest that (although TRPV1 is also functionally expressed
in the HF) (23) AEA may exclusively act on
CB1 to inhibit human hair growth and to modulate the
hair cycle.
Experimental data with the coadministration of AEA
and the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin, by showing that the
similar effects of the two agents were additive (at least
indirectly) further strengthened the above argument.
However, these results (along with our presentation
that the effect of capsaicin was not modified by the CB1
antagonist AM-251) also propose that the otherwise
very intimately related (and often "overlapping") endocannabinoid
and (endo)vanilloid systems (3, 43) synergistically
yet, of importance, independently function to
regulate various biological processes (elongation, pro-
liferation, apoptosis, cycling) of the human HF. This
may also be further strengthened by our recent report
showing that TRPV1 knockout mice (which possess an
essentially unaltered endocannabinoid system) (49)
exhibit a significant delay in the onset of the first
spontaneous catagen during the morphogenesis of the
HF (50). (Our currently running investigation of the
morphogenesis and hair cycle of CB1 knockout mice
will hopefully explore this interaction "the other way
Our findings that catagen development, per se (at
least in organ-cultured human scalp HF), is already
associated with a marked up-regulation of CB1 expression,
suggests that, once catagen has been induced by
either AEA or cannabinoid-independent mechanisms
(such as, e.g., IFN or on TRPV1 activation) (23), the
HF substantially increases its susceptibility to (additional)
stimulation by endocannabinoids via this receptor.
This may then further accelerate the speed of
catagen development, depending on the availability of
endogenous agonists.
Our exciting pilot mass spectrometry data (which, as
detailed above, demand further careful and systematic
repetition using tissue extracts of many additional HF
from several different individuals), which demonstrate
the intrafollicular presence of substantial AEA levels in
microdissected, rigorously washed human scalp HF,
suggest that endogenous CB agonists may even be
produced locally, i.e., within the anagen hair bulb.
However, it was surprising to observe that, unlike in
most tissues (1—3, 42), the level of 2-AG was very low in
the HF. This may reflect, e.g., high intrafollicular levels
of fatty acid amide hydrolase and monoacylglycerol
lipase, which participate in the degradation of 2-AG
(1—3, 42). Although further studies are to be performed
to quantitatively define the expression of these molecules
in the HF, the above hypothesis may, at least in
part, explain our results that of the two major endocannabinoids
(produced by the HF) only AEA was able to
inhibit hair growth and that HF were unresponsive to
2-AG stimulation.
In our hands, the CB1 antagonist AM-251 alone did
not modify hair shaft elongation which, at the first
glance, might suggest that the endogenous cannabinoid
tone does not affect hair growth. However, it is
well documented that during certain pathological conditions
(e.g., inflammatory and autoimmune diseases),
the level of numerous endocannabinoids (including
AEA and 2-AG) and the expression profile of CB
receptors are markedly altered (1—3, 51). Since inflammation
as well as alterations in the activity of the
immune system was shown to markedly contribute to
the pathogenesis of several hair loss disorders (such as
alopecia areata, effluvium) (52, 53), it might be hypothesized
(and to be definitely measured in the near
future) that endocannabinoid expression may, e.g., be
increased in such diseases. Therefore, our demonstration
that the CB1 antagonist effectively abrogated the
hair growth-inhibitory effects of AEA may be interpreted
as a first, tentative proof-of-principle for a novel, CB1
antagonist-based adjuvant treatment option in the clinical
management of certain human hair loss disorders.
Irrespective of their potential clinical implications
and further intriguing applications (e.g., future exploitation
of the growth-inhibitory effect of CB agonists in
the putative management of unwanted hair growth
such as hirsutism), our results also show that human HF
organ culture offers a very simple, yet highly instructive
new research tool for exploring and dissecting "nonclassical",
growth- and apoptosis-modulatory effects of
endo- and exocannabinoids and of receptor-mediated
signaling in general under physiologically relevant conditions.
Using microarray techniques (cf. 23, 32), this
prototypic tissue interaction system can now even be
exploited to identify novel target genes of CB-mediated
signaling in the human system in situ. Certainly, the
intriguing concept that human HF (at least on the
scalp) may always (or hair cycle-dependently) more or
less "stoned", and the challenge to selectively get the
HF (rather than the central nervous system. . . ) "high"
in a clinically desired manner will surely excite patients,
investigators, industry, regulatory institutions, the lay
press, and politicians alike.
This work was supported in part by Hungarian research
grants (OTKA T049231, OTKA K063153, NKFP 1A/008/04)
to T.B. and by a DFG grant (Pa 345/11—2) to R.P. The authors
declare no competing financial interests.
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Source: Inhibition of human hair follicle growth by endo- and exocannabinoids
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