Internet Store Fined for Medicinal Marijuana Book


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A Moscow court has fined the Simvol-Plus publishing house, the owner of the Books.Ru online bookstore, 40,000 rubles (approx. $1380) for "drug propaganda" in a suit filed by the Moscow division of the state narcotics police, Lenta.Ru writes. The State Service for Drug Control believes the store violated Russian law on drug propaganda by selling Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar.

The publishing house plans to appeal the court's decision, arguing that the distribution of books is not part of the description of drug propaganda in the law on narcotics. "Moreover, we did not have information about the content of the book, including any propaganda on narcotic substances," the publishing house said in a press release quoted by Lenta.Ru.

The publishing house underscores that the book was added to the list of literature sold by the store from the database created by a state organization. The database included no official statements about the book being forbidden for sale.

In a search for forbidden propaganda, state narcotics police have been cracking down on book sales and "inappropriate" advertising. This is the third such case brought to court, with three other cases soon to be tried in the city of Samara.

Source: MosNews
Published: 02.06.2004
Copyright: 2004 MOSNEWS.COM
Website: Internet Store Fined for Medicinal Marijuana Book - NEWS - MOSNEWS.COM
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