Is my fan 2 big?


New Member
So i was given either a 10" or 12" inline fan,just looked at it in the box so im unsure of the size. Now my tent is only this too big a fan for such a small space? And could i use a booster fan to bring in air so there won't be so much negative pressure inside the tent? Thanks for all input.
YES!! Your room is 96 Cubit Feet. Look at the CF(M)'s on the fan. 10" fan ballpark 1200 cfms. So you would be trying to draw your rooms air out 12 times a minute. You want two fans at 100 cfms. One in and one out. Filter your intake two. And if you can only have one fan (blow) into room and let air leach out of vents everywhere you can. Yeah smell, but everytime you open your room up you will be sucking eveything outside into your room as well as a constantly sucking every bug and junk through every crack in tent all night all day... Less bugs outside the tent after a couple months. Good luck.
Thanks weezie thats some very good info. I might look into a speed controller because i dont want to not use a perfectly good fan
Thanks for some very good info there weezie. I might just look into a speed controller because i don't want to waste a perfectly good fan
When your saying 10 or 12 inches are you talking about the whole fan or just the part where the hole is that you connect your ducting too? The size of the fan housing isn't the size of the fan they are based on the input/output holes.
I have a couple questions in regards to a 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 2 m tall tent. I have a fan speed controller but I haven't purchased a fan yet.

Can I pull air from the tent through a carbon filter then through my cool tube and out of the tent? Should I get two fans? If I constantly run air through the cool tube, will the temperature stay low in the rest of the tent, so that I can just use a closet dehumidifier and co2? Is a 150 mm (6'') fan with a vari control ok? The globes are 1000 watt but I can run them at 60-80-110% with a digital ballast. I think I will put in an a/c in the room outside the tent also. :welcome: to make comments...
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