Is there a place on 420 for home brewers that want to use pot


Well-Known Member a brewing ingredient. I am a home brewer and grew pot outdoors for the first time this year. I just started the harvest of several plants and after drying and curing I will have a lot on hand. Plan to make Kief for some baked goods too.

I have the whole brewing set up, kegs, CO2, taps, lines, Keezer, etc. trying to see see if there are any good reads on here.

I’ve made some batches of wine with it that I’m very impressed with. Haven’t noticed anyone else brewing it. There are some forum rules against alcohol but I don’t remember the details and I’m not sure how strict they are - probably just don’t want a lot of drunks on-site....
I’ve seen a bunch of canna beer recipes online. Haven’t tried making it. I’d recommend trying decarbing the bud first. I found it improved the flavour hugely for the wine- took away that skanky/skunky astringent taste that catches in the back of the throat.
I’ve seen a bunch of canna beer recipes online. Haven’t tried making it. I’d recommend trying decarbing the bud first. I found it improved the flavour hugely for the wine- took away that skanky/skunky astringent taste that catches in the back of the throat.

Doesn’t the boil decarb it If I threw the pot in during the boil OR hopping with pot at flame out??

There a few detail I’m trying to iron out.
I’m not much of a decarbing expert, but boiling temp is far below what most list for a decarb though probably if done long enough it would have an effect.
On the other hand - from what I know/hear, decarb is something that tends to happen naturally with time.

But I was just referring to the improvement in flavour after toasting in an oven.
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