Is this good or bad?


New Member
she's only 16 days old, she's growing to fast.. don't know if that's good or bad. She already started growing her hairs at 16 days! can anyone tell me what's going on? using Fox Farm Original. Feeding them big bloom teaspoon a week. PH is normal temps are in the low 80's... she's on an 18 hour cycle (Bubblegum kush)

What ya'll thing is this good or bad? I don't want her to grow to fast and produce small buds.
This is my first time grow, I have 10 plants in total and none look like her.

and sorry for pic's, I know there kinda blurry.. took them with phone.


take a clone , just in case she is a pheno. seems kinda early for bloom nutes ? some leaves drooping some praying , what gives ?
take a clone , just in case she is a pheno. seems kinda early for bloom nutes ? some leaves drooping some praying , what gives ?

What's a pheno?
It's just a teaspoon a week... the others are responding to the feedings normally:morenutes:.. this one is the only one growing to fast... and yes some are drooping some are praying... I have no idea whats that about.
Theese things happen. Just see her as a study object. She will get quite small compared to the others.

Yeah I took her away from her sisters. Am afraid she might pass some kind of gene to them.. but am going to keep an eye on her to see how she does. some friends are fighting me on this.. they swear I have her on a 12/12 cycle but thats false. She might be the new genetic bubblegum kush mini.. :laugh: gonna take some clippings just incase.
Hello Kim and glad to see you have your garden started! Very interesting plant! I am a total noobie and greener than the plants so don't have a clue as to what is going on w/your girl, but it will definitely be interesting to watch! Good luck w/ your grow!:Rasta:
i cant explain what a pheno is . may be its just me , showing sex on day 16 seems like a must have to me personally . im guessing if it shows sex that early , then it will finish early also . take a clone . good luck !
it sounds like it may be a autoflower strain, or ruderalis(sp?)

they can flower in 24-0 light cycles


hmmmm... am reading about the autoflower strain, I think your right. This strain came from Nirvana seeds, they send me 5 female seeds that I $$ and 10 regular seeds for free. I gave 8 seeds to my brother and kept 2 for myself including the white widows I only germinated the 2 left from the 10 free ones... I figured the 10 were a mixture from diff seeds, but when I contacted Nirvana they told me they were bubblegum seeds.
Whats a pheno?

A pheno is when you got a plant that is an unstabilised hybrid between two or more genetics and all plants from theese strain will have a certain growth pattern following the genetics of one of those parental genetics. So lets say you grow a unstableised Indica/Satva hybrid and then some plants grow like indicas (indica phenos) and some grow like sativa (sativa phenos).
to be more specific, a phenotype is a particular trait of a plant.

if u wanted to preserve a specific trait about the plant, IE: taste, potency, growing tendencies, etc. these are all phenotypes
Yeah I took her away from her sisters. Am afraid she might pass some kind of gene to them.. but am going to keep an eye on her to see how she does. some friends are fighting me on this.. they swear I have her on a 12/12 cycle but thats false. She might be the new genetic bubblegum kush mini.. :laugh: gonna take some clippings just incase.

Relax Kim it's all good many plants today do this because of ruderalis genes in their ancestry. I just had a Barneys Farm *** as a mother that went into bloom with nutes only being at 600ppm. Let her bloom and reap the rewards girl. :nicethread:

Great question!:goodjob:


What's a pheno?
It's just a teaspoon a week... the others are responding to the feedings normally:morenutes:.. this one is the only one growing to fast...
... I have no idea whats that about.

Auto Flower:morenutes: :goodjob::slide::slide: While these plants are fast, they are also a pain in the ass, especially with plant numbers allowed in bloom. I personally dont like that and need to be in control of that. Stay safe! Be safe!

hmmmm... am reading about the autoflower strain, I think your right. This strain came from Nirvana seeds, they send me 5 female seeds that I $$ and 10 regular seeds for free. I gave 8 seeds to my brother and kept 2 for myself including the white widows I only germinated the 2 left from the 10 free ones... I figured the 10 were a mixture from diff seeds, but when I contacted Nirvana they told me they were bubblegum seeds.

thanks for your input Wingman420! She's back in the grow room with her sisters, but when it's lights out I take her out and put her in a separate room, actually in my closet with a 150 CFL to keep her vegging and growing. So she's in a 24/0 cycle at the momment and she has gotten bigger. But wow does she stink up the house!! I swear people say they get a buzz just out of the smell with this one.
nice but dude get some ventilation and odor neutralizer, we need your plant in the weed world. bare your burden with caution so that you may bestow these genes unto the world.
just keep an eye on the one thats flowering. i assume when u put it with the others you have a fan blowing on them. should that auto-flower be a hermie, those fans can blow the pollen around on all your ladies

nice but dude get some ventilation and odor neutralizer, we need your plant in the weed world. bare your burden with caution so that you may bestow these genes unto the world.

Ventilation is fine, I have a 206 cfm for suction, and a ductbooster for airflow. the odor am not to worried about since my grow tent is outside. I actually like the smell, and I do have my medical card so screw the neighbors if they complaint :bong: lol
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