It's been a while and it's great to be back


New Member
I am coming back after taking the last 8 years off from growing and enjoying cannabis. No, I did not just get paroled! ;). I got married and relocated to a different part of the country. No buddies and no buds. I started a small grow in 2001 but was not able to finish it. Now I finally have a good location to give it another go. I love this board and others like it; the fact that YouTube has been invented between my last grow and now is a beautiful thing :slide:

I am looking forward to making a lot of friends here while sharing and learning from those that are kind enough to share their thoughts and experiences. I sure would appreciate it if you would drop by my page and leave me a note or send a friend request.

Please keep your eyes open for my upcoming Caramelicious micro-ScrOG / DWC / CFL grow journal.

:clap: jcool09 :ciao: I see you jumped right in!! :cheer: Remember Cannabis will away be waiting with open arms. 420 will help your grow produce! The friends here are the BEST! The growers even better. So start your journal and go for a ride ;) Thing have changed in growroom alot since 2001. 420 will help you catch up! See you around and best of luck.
ill be waiting

Thank you budlover, I will try not to dissappoint!

:welcome: to 420! We are all glad to have you here! Im also happy to hear you relocated to a more suitable environment to start growing again! ANd congrats on the marriage, whenever it may have happened in the last 8 years!! You have found yourself a great group of growers and smokers alike. We love to welcome new and old members back! Enjoy and Stay High! Don't forget to start a grow journal so we can all experience your grow with you! We will all be here to help and cheer you on along the way! Good Luck!!


Thanks, I appreciate the warm welcome.

Welcome to 420, glad to have you with us.

Great to be here!

:clap: jcool09 :ciao: I see you jumped right in!! :cheer: Remember Cannabis will away be waiting with open arms. 420 will help your grow produce! The friends here are the BEST! The growers even better. So start your journal and go for a ride ;) Thing have changed in growroom alot since 2001. 420 will help you catch up! See you around and best of luck.

It's like I never left... great group of folks and information.

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