Judge Gray, a Drug-War Foe, Will Run for Senate



As crusades go, Judge James P. Gray's fight to legalize drugs has been a
long and lonely one.

The complete article can be viewed at:
Orange County Judge Begins Uphill Battle for U.S. Senate Seat

Judge Gray, a Drug-War Foe, Will Run for Senate
Now a libertarian, the longtime advocate of legalization will
challenge Boxer in 2004.

By Claire Luna, Times Staff Writer
As crusades go, Judge James P. Gray's fight to legalize drugs has
been a long and lonely one.
His advocation of treatment instead of jail time for drug offenders
has gained some converts, but Gray's views remain largely on the
outskirts of acceptability. Some of his closest friends disagree with
his opinions, and his most vicious opponents accuse him of being a
biased, negative role model.

But Gray is dogged in his long-held belief that legalization is the
only way to solve what he says is an increasingly unsuccessful war on
drugs. He lectures at least once a month on his views, this week to a
county bar association, next month to a group of Alaskan Libertarians.
In the latest chapter of the conservative judge's uphill struggle,
Gray has become a Libertarian and announced Wednesday that he is
running for the U.S. Senate.
The odds of unseating Democrat Barbara Boxer in next year's election
are long, but the opportunity to show the major parties that his
message resonates with voters is victory enough for him.
"Every single vote I get will legitimately be seen in favor of
repealing drug prohibition," said Gray, 58, the day before announcing
his candidacy at the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana.
"The other side is going to want to get my votes, and to do that
they'll have to change their drug policy. If that happens, I'll have
Gray is hoping to get 15% of the vote, a longshot for a third-party
candidate. His campaign slogan targets the apprehension that
mainstream voters might feel: "This time, it matters."
A lifelong Republican, Gray said he switched this year because the
Libertarian message of greater individual freedoms better aligns with
his own.
Libertarians in California are looking to Gray's candidacy to bring
legitimacy and an improved turnout for the party, which traditionally
draws between 1% and 2% of the vote in U.S. Senate races.
"He brings with him the gravitas of his position," said Mark Selzer,
southern vice chairman for the California Libertarian Party. "He's
going to take our party to the next level in terms of the respect
people have for us."
One of Gray's longtime friends, Costa Mesa Police Chief John D.
Hensley, disagrees with the judge's views but still came to
Wednesday's campaign opening to lend moral support.
"He's a good man and an ethical judge, and I wish him all the best in
his campaign," Hensley said. "Still, since his thinking is well
outside the mainstream, he's going to have some difficulties."
That's an understatement, Boxer campaign spokesman Roy Behr said. "A
huge, huge majority of voters will be opposed to that position," he
said. "There is no significant support for that platform."
Gray's views have long made him the object of accusations of bias. A
decade ago, his appeal for the legalization of drugs drove
now-retired Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates to lash out to
reporters: "What was this guy smoking? It's crazy. What kind of role
model is he?"
Gray, who has taken a leave of absence from his legal duties until
the campaign concludes, concedes that his stance might seem a poor
message for children. But he maintains the drug problem has grown too
vast to be managed by imposing morals on young people who see the
rules as hypocritical.
"People of my generation used marijuana," Gray said, "and now we're
putting our children in jail for using it. There's no way we can
punish ourselves out of this problem."
Legalizing and taxing marijuana could net California as much as $3
billion, Gray contends, including the $1 billion the state spends
each year churning low-level offenders through the legal system.
"If we were to put those people in treatment programs and jobs," he
said, "we'd be a lot safer."
In the years he has been waging his own war on the war on drugs, Gray
said he has learned that when battling the conventional, you can't be
in a hurry, and you can't get discouraged.
A few dents at a time, he said. That's how it's done.
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By Claire Luna
Times Staff Writer

November 20 2003
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