Judge Orders Berkley Medical Marijuana Measure Back On Ballot

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - A judge is ordering a failed 2004 Berkeley initiative on medical marijuana back on the ballot next year.

Superior Court Judge Winifred Smith ruled earlier this week that Alameda County election officials failed to hand over data from voting machines despite her order to do so.

The judge said the county ignored the request and instead returned the devices to their manufacturer.

The measure would have let medical marijuana clubs move into Berkeley without public hearings and lifted limits on how much cannabis patients could have.

Smith ordered the measure returned Berkeley's ballot in November 2008.

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Source: KESQ
Contact: KESQ.com Palm Springs
Copyright: 2007 WorldNow and KESQ
Website: Judge orders Berkeley medical marijuana measure back on ballot
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