Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!


New Member
Ok please help me here.....ok I'm on day 14 of my SH Deep Water Culture grow of white widow max. This is my first ever grow thanks for the inspiration Roseman. Lastnight I had drained and replenished my reservoir, roots are growing nicely into the water. So I flushed and noticed I had slime on air rocks and pump so I removed and cleaned so in the future so I could avoid PH problems and wiped down inside of tank with hot water used no chemicals! Added water and full dose of nutes in PH adjusted water 5.5. Next morning approximately 12 hours later plants are starting to wilt and curl up slightly some leaves just hanging down and doesn't have much support like it did yesterday. Also my plants had a nice deep dark green color now looking at leaves this morning there are spots on the leaves with light green so basically meaning my leaves are turning two different shades of green dark and light. I was very gentle on roots I feel I did not damage any roots. I did use cold water not room temp however this is my second flush and did the same thing the first flush and did not have this problem. Please any help would be great don't want to ruin my first grow
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

the full dose of nutrients sounds like it has something to do with it , you might have nute burned them , dont add any more NUTES and just flush out with water and see what happens, you should build up your nutes over a couple of feedings , do you have a ppm meter ????? ................................. SMOKR1
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

you can give epsom salt in your water to relieve lockout , but there is a clearex you can use in your water ( basically sugar water ) and as A FOLIAR SPRAY . SOUNDS LIKE YOU BURNED THEM YOU SHOULD ALWAYS GIVE LESS AS YOU CAN ALWAYS ADD ..
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

Thanks for the reply I had gradually built up the nutes over time using 1/4 dose of nutes everyother day..until I finally used a full dose than used another 1/4 and another couple says later used another 1/4 so all together I used 1 1/2 full dose. Over a couple weeks period. Again im using SH prepacked nutes. than I flushed on day 14 and use full dose while I replinished. If it is nute burn when I drain do I add any nutes to the fresh water?
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

no if its nute burn get some epsom salt its 1 tsp per gallon of water ( i would go half that ) run it for 20 min and change the water this is when you put your 1/4 strength nutes in also make sure the water is room temp , ph balanced and mixed correctly.
the micro you add has to be first and dissolved .. you add nutes then adjust the ph
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

Ok thanks I'm going to try that and I will get back to let you know how it went.if I do the flush how long should it take to turn back to hopefully normal?
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

as anyone will tell you the best way to now if she getting better is new growth , the damaged leaves will continue to shrivel and die DO NOT PANIC THIS IS A COMMON MISTAKE you go sht she needs more nutes she gets worse you go sht she needs more nutes then she dies :( new growth will show almost imediatly ( two days or so )
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

One fact I can atest to, it is near impossible to kill them in the SH System with feeder tubes.

On my first grow, I over fed so bad, I had 6 naked sticks sticking up, about 5 inches tall with no leaves. Truth is, I added MIRACLE GROW to the tank, a bad newbie mistake, I was ignorantly experimenting. I phoned the people at SH and they told me to do a drain and replenish, and put back no nutes for two days and then only use 1/4 nutes. Within a week, I had leaves back, and in two weeks, I had 6 beautiful bushes back.

Deep Water Culture with feeder tubes growing is very forgiving, compared to soil or plain DWC growing.
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

dypnky ......, let me introduce roseman he cac help with any of your prob, hes helped me as well take his advice whenever its givin also frying pan flyer can help you as well, dont get me wrong there are alot of people with knowledge here , you will do fine as the week goes on ..
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

Roseman thanks for checking back in. You need what Batman used the light in the sky. I posted this in the other thread but I should have of put it in this one instead. Last night when I arrived home from work the plants did not look any better the bottom leaves were dry and curled also the leaves have dark and light green spots. What's really stumping me is I have 5 plants all of them seem to be affected by this plague except for one plant. so I decided to flush with clean water and fed them 1/4 dose of nutes. I woke up this morning and they seem to be a little stronger not to sure though. I'm back at work now so when I go home I will check on them again however if that's not any better any ideas? I am using your 8 step recovery however I did not use peroxide last night while flushing because the stores was closed at midnight. Roseman I greatly appreciate your help and interest.
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

Ok when I get home I will post pics of when they were looking good and than when they started to look weak.
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

I just don't understand why people drop their ph to 5 or 5.5 in hydro. The nutrient availability chart clearly shows that optimum is about 6 to 6.5. I'm not saying thats your problem, just thought I'd blab that out.

So, you were up to 1.5 times dosage that the manufacturer recommends per gallon?? If so, I wouldn't recommend dropping to 1/4 strength for too long, you'll create more problems. Can you takePics? also, you don't necissarily need to change out all the water. to drop the nutrient solution by a quarter just replace a quarter of the water and pH adjust. God knows how expensive nutes are. save a buck. Just my 2cents.

Also, i woudnt recommend topping off your res regularly unless your real carefull or have a TDS or Ec meter because as the water is used by the plants and evaporates your nutrient concentration will also increase. This makes it hard to eyeball it and add the right ammount. Again, just my 2cents.
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

ok just checked on my babies and roseman you were right they are now starting to improve..they seem to be getting stronger and getting life. here are some pics of my plant being healthy than getting weak.


sign of weakness:


next day flush signs or improvement?:



so hopefully there will keep improving.....BUT heres another problem i open my tank and my roots are NOT WHITE anymore they seem to be more of a cream/brown color. they are not slimey or mushie feeling no real odors smells the same as it does since day one im thinking root rot but praying not need your advice here a pics.




also sorry for the pics im not a photographer, i was using my blackberry for my camera and next time i post pics i will be sure to crop(sorry for the neck cramps).....Roseman im putting the signal in the sky for you to come to the rescue
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