Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!

Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

sorry for being all over the place some reason my pictures wont go threw properly......
nxt day flush signs of improvement:




another picture of roots:

Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

sorry for being all over the place some reason my pictures wont go threw properly......
nxt day flush signs of improvement:




another picture of roots:


how's that?,,,,You can not "cure" pythium. It is a bacteria. It is always present.
You can prevent and "cure" the symptoms of a pythium infection. In this case, "cure" simply means ridding the plant of infectious symptoms. The actual bacteria will still be present.
The key is to make your root zone hospitable to the roots, not to bacteria, usually caused by low oxygen levels in the solution or high temp solutions (which also causes low O2 levels).
Cool nutrient solution temps (68-73 F) and proper aeration will not allow pythium to grow.This is how you get rid of slimey roots and keep them healthy!
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

lol thanks it wouldnt work right for me....any opinoin on the roots?
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

lol thanks it wouldnt work right for me....any opinoin on the roots?

I think you were clicking the link button instead of the add image which is yellow with mountains...I gave you my opinion a couple of times already. I'm not into wating for things to go wrong...LOL....h202 everyday!
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

got you im going to do that than h202 im going flush it with that....however how often do i add it to the tank
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

got you im going to do that than h202 im going flush it with that....however how often do i add it to the tank

If you get the concentrate 33% I put 3ml/gallon when I change it and then half that everyday. It disipatates rather quickly
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

ok now before i start addinng this stuff to my tank...i thought it was peroxide from the drug store?like what you would put on cuts?im sorry im new dont want any more mistakes lol
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

ok now before i start addinng this stuff to my tank...i thought it was peroxide from the drug store?like what you would put on cuts?im sorry im new dont want any more mistakes lol

It's the same thing except the drugstore stuff is only 3% and full of crap and if you do get that then you have to put ten times the amount.
Re: Just changed water now plants looking sick and weaker help!!!!!!!

where would i be able to get this peroxide?
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