Lab Seeks Medical Marijuana Production In West Haven

Truth Seeker

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A company has filed an application with the city to open a medical marijuana production facility on Frontage Road and will appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission July 9.

However, if the PZC approves the site plan submitted by Advanced Grow Labs LLC, of Fairfield, the business can't automatically open. It will have to next apply to the state; licenses for such facilities aren't expected to be doled out for at least a few months.

The state passed a legalizing medical marijuana in May 2012, allowing patients to apply for medical marijuana licenses last October and preparing now to allow some manufacturing locations and dispensaries to open. The possible West Haven facility would only produce marijuana – not sell directly to the public.

"They're just checking out the site and seeing if they get approval from the town, which is probably 1,000 times easier than the state, because they have to put a very, very large bond just to make an application with the state... It's allowed by the state, but we are doing as much as we possibly can to make sure it's safe for the community," Assistant City Planner Rob Librandi said.

Mayor John M. Picard said this is the second medical marijuana company that has approached the city about opening a business, with the previous one speaking to officials three to four months ago. He said the state will require such businesses to be heavily regulated and make a significant financial commitment.

"The state passed legislation, which in turn tells cities and towns they have to allow them to apply. We have guidelines and regulations we will follow, just like with everybody else (who applies)," Picard said. "Then the next step is the state."

According to documents in the Planning and Development office in City Hall, Advanced Grow Labs is applying to open in an existing building at 400 Frontage Road, an area zoned as light industrial. Interstate 95 can be seen from the street, and other companies surround the property.

The proposal would seek to open under the light industrial zone's plant nursery category and would not need a special permit, and therefore not require a public hearing, according to Librandi. The application lists that the only construction work will be new striping of existing parking spaces and interior work, such as removing and installing new partition walls.

The state has not yet given any licenses for medical marijuana production facilities, as it expects to finalize requirements for such businesses in late August, according to a representative of the state Department of Consumer Protection's Medical Marijuana Program. However, three licenses are expected to eventually be issued in Connecticut for production locations. Officials still aren't sure how many dispensaries will be allowed.

State requirements will include security measures, a sizeable bond and a licensed pharmacist, among other things.

A letter in the application from the property owner, New York-based TMC Properties, LLC, says the owner "enthusiastically support" the project.

"We are convinced that the building at 400 Frontage Road will, with anticipated alterations, comply with all the regulations and is well suited, both as to location and configuration, to this new proposed operation. It will be compatible with other uses on the property and in the area and presents no noise, pollution, or traffic concerns," the letter states.

The application also presents a possible security plan that includes an alarm system, police call hand buttons and a surveillance system. Hours of operation would be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with truck deliveries once or twice a week. Future expansion is a possibility if the operation is successful, the application continues.

A representative of Advanced Grow Labs or the property owner could not be reached for comment.


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Author: Susan Misur
Contact: Connecticut News - CT News | The New Haven Register
Website: Lab seeks medical marijuana production in West Haven- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut
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