leaf drying and curling up 5th week new grower versagrow hydro 1000 mh


New Member
Leaves are drying and curling up on the edges slight yellowing on two plants... On a 24 hour drip system with hydro stone.. 1000 watt mh is now 2 and a half feet above plants but was a foot above. Humidity was low just bought a humidifier and am up to 43% will appreciate any help should I not water 24 hours a day?
One other question, I was running a versagrow drip system 24 hours a day and was concerned about root rot because those symptoms look similar to what I have also. I cut my watering down to 30 min every 3 hours is this OK or should I continue non stop
I have flushed my drip system and raised the lights. I am getting new growth but for week six since seed, should I be concerned about their slow growth? Also I trimmed off the damaged dried up parts of the leaves will that hurt?
what is the pH?

Have you gave them any nutes?

Do they have roots?

RH needs to be a little higher...as long as your water has oxygen in it with an air stone/bubbler you can run water on roots all the time.
Ph is 5.5 to 6.0 I took a pic of the roots all of the plants are showing roots. I have a humidifier but can't seem to get the humidity above 40%. I gave them humboldt nuts at about 30 %. First I gave them nuts full strength and it showed overnight. Like a burn and drying out of leaf tips. After that I flushed the system and I am seeing new growth starting .. Should I just be patient or what... I also have white widow root nuts powder that says to sprinkle some under the transplants but I have not done that yet Or know if I should
Do you have a clone dome cover or you could build something out of saran wrap to help trap humidity around the plants.

1/4 strength sounds good, especially if you hit them hard already...plants in this stage need hardly any nutes, you can give them pH'ed water @ 5.8 until they have roots 3"-6" long and then start out with a ppm of 200-300, as they get bigger slowly raise your ppm or nute strength.

I'm unfamiliar with your setup, do the rock wool cubes sit on a little flood tray and DTW (drain to waste)? or drain away to a reservoir & pumped back into flood tray?
No the rockwool cubes were placed in containers after I saw roots coming out of the cubes. The grow medium I'm using is called grow stone it is a type of rock that holds moisture better than hydroton. It is a versagrow continuous drip system with a ten gallon resivour. It has ten separate 2 gallon pots.
Should I purchase an airstone and put it in the resavore. Should I leave these lights on 24/7? The new growth is extremely slow and the roots are not taking to the grow medium.
I'm on my way to the store now to throw an airstone in there it can't hurt things. Imma turn my light schedule back a Lil bit
Well after a thorough evaluation and seeing pictures of the roots, the man at the hydroponic store said I transplanted my seedlings a little too early and the cubes were holding too much water for the roots to grow. Last night I cut the drip time down to 15 min every 4 hours and light schedule to 20/4... Hopefully the cubes will have enough time to dry out And force the roots to search for water until I develop a good root mass. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am going to closely monitor the drying of the cubes in case I have to cut watering times back even more.
Do you think it would hurt my plants if I put them back under the flouro lights until they develop a good root base or just be paint and watch them closely
I don't think it is the lights at this point. What are your feedings like in PPM and what is your current pH of the water? At 6 weeks, they should be A LOT bigger than what they are. In your last pictures they look nute burned. Could be an issue of giving too much nutes, or could be a pH imbalance.
The ph is 6.0. I'm not real familiar with the whole ppm thing but the meter reads 647. Do u think these plants can be saved?
Don't place rock wool flat in your pot, put some rock down first, place rock wool cube on layer(s) of rock, place rock around rock wool. Keep them warm room temp 72'ish, and humidity will help the roots.

This gives air/oxygen under the rock wool helps roots, then you can place dripper so that it drips over the rocks where it would drip down to the roots coming out of cubes, the roots will grow downward searching for water until they are in the reservoir. (if that's the way the system works)

EC/TDS/PPM start with your source water ppm, add nutrient, then take ppm again, take off water source ppm for total nutrient ppm. I would start with 1/8 - 1/4 bottle directions for a low ppm, as they get bigger, they will want more nutrient, so you will slowly raise the amount of nutrient given which is raising the EC/TDS/PPM.
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