leaf drying and curling up 5th week new grower versagrow hydro 1000 mh

It has been a day and a half since I cut off the water supply and the cubes are still very damp. Under the cubes are showing signs of new healthy white roots. I am going to continue to let the cubes dry out because my problems came from overwatering my plants at a young age. I was suffocating the roots. So however long it takes for these cubes to dry out, I will wait. Then I will put the drip on for one time a day and see how that works out until I see a strong root mass. I was almost ready to chalk them up but my buddy that owns a garden supply store said they could still possibly be saved after the extremely slow growth I caused by overwatering for a few days. Wish me luck. I also have new seedlings on day 8 that are very healthy so far and will probably over take these very soon.
These are my new seedlings at day 11. Does everything look ok? About how long should i leave them in this tray before thinking about transplanting. I have been watering with a spray bottle when cubes appear to be dry.
Look good, and the light misting is working great. When they get roots coming out of the bottom you can transplant/move into system, I usually move into system when I have 3"-6" roots, but you can move earlier with little roots coming out, just make sure when they are moved into your pots that a good layer of rock goes down first, then rock wool cube, that will help with air/oxygen & make the roots search downward for water...you can drip the water at bottom of cube and they will grow down searching for it.

Remember, when starting nutrients, start low & slow 1/8 - 1/4 strength, as they get bigger slowly bring your nutrient level up.
This is a couple days later. Rockwool cube was dry so I just watered them. They all have small roots. Should I give a few more days in this tray before transplanting. I'm just nervous about that system after last time. When I transplant how high u think mh 1000 watt should be above them?
All of my plants are in their new home now and I am continuing to hand feed them for another week. The bottom plant was the last one I brought down and it appears to have a deficiency. It was not getting nutes until today.
Here they are at the end of week 3. My ppm is 550 but the water is 150 from the start. The rockwool stays moist for a pretty long time and I have been giving them 2 good waterings every 24 hours. The rw is usually still damp when I water again. Is this OK or should I be waiting longer till the cube is dry and the plant is without a doubt thirsty. Or should I put them on a watering schedule. They seem to be doing pretty good so I was gonna continue this through the 4th week. I dropped light a few inches also and will up the nutes next week.
Here they are at the end of week 3. My ppm is 550 but the water is 150 from the start. The rockwool stays moist for a pretty long time and I have been giving them 2 good waterings every 24 hours. The rw is usually still damp when I water again. Is this OK or should I be waiting longer till the cube is dry and the plant is without a doubt thirsty. Or should I put them on a watering schedule. They seem to be doing pretty good so I was gonna continue this through the 4th week. I dropped light a few inches also and will up the nutes next week.

Put them on a water schedule, the rock wool can stay damp, the roots in the rock wool will use whats in it. You just have to watch the top of the rock wool it will get covered in algae and turn green if it's wet all the time from the light, that's why I always put the top of the rock wool slightly under rock/hydroton.

Looking good man!! Remember to go slow on the nutes.
My stems seem to be skinny compared to other plants I see at this stage. Should I be concerned about this or just let them go for now. I was thinking I could bury them deeper but I did not want to disturb the roots that already began working their way through the rocks
Well here I am at day 1 of the 4th week. So far so good thank God. I just cleaned out the whole system and added new nutrients. Ppm is 525 and ph is 5.5 to 6.1. I still have the light on 75% and it is approximately 2 ft above canopy. The room temp is 79* and rh is 52%. The stems appear to be shedding their outside skin, I assume that is due to them getting bigger. I am still handwatering once every 24 hours but considering putting them on a schedule but I'm trying to calculate what would be best for them. Need to know when should I be thinking about topping them or any other tricks of the trade that will help them grow into awesome plants.
Hey Ultra Dan my boys are definitely starting to turn up a bit now do u think I should step watering up to 15 min every 6 hours instead of every 12 or let it ride. Also I'm noticing some ph fluctuations because now that the pump isn't running 24/7, the nute are settled on the bottom. Should I just mix the res up by hand every morning and adjust ph then or what?
This is a pic from today. I got the ph steady at 6.0. I want to take clone cuttings as soon as possible and start training them. How long should i wait for the clones? Also, should I top them before I start training them? In your opinion do they look ready to top or should I wait till the end of this week.
Here they are after being topped. I FIM'D two of them to see if there was any difference. I'm wondering how much longer it's gonna be till I can take some clones. But overall they are looking healthy and very bushy.
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